Alecia Foster

Job Titles:
  • Escrow Officer

Andy Rollins

Job Titles:
  • Title Officer
Andy was born and raised in Augusta, Maine. He then proceeded "down South" to attend Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA. After graduating college, he moved with some friends to San Francisco, CA where he started his title insurance career. After 6 years in San Francisco, he returned to Maine for 10 years to continue in the title business. He then ventured back to the West coast and has worked for Evergreen Land Title Company since 2011. In his free time, Andy enjoys playing music with his band, golfing, backpacking and camping.

Chad Cordell

Job Titles:
  • General Manager

Dana Hinshaw

Job Titles:
  • Owner / President / Escrow Officer
Dana was born and raised in Springfield, Oregon and has a degree in accounting and business administration. Dana found a passion for escrow when she began her career in the industry in 1994. Starting as a receptionist, Dana quickly exceled into an escrow officer position and has also been involved in management for several years. She joined Evergreen Land Title in 2006 and became a co-owner of the company in 2018. When Dana is not busy at work, she is busy spending time with her daughter who is involved in cheerleading, tumbling and softball. She also enjoys soaking up sunshine on her boat.

Don Greep

Job Titles:
  • Title Department Manager
Don was born in Oregon and raised in Arizona. Don was first introduced to title work at a locally owned company in Kingman, Arizona. After 3 years, he moved back to Oregon, where he continued to work in the title business and found his way to Evergreen Land Title. In his free time, Don enjoys exploring the great outdoors, gaming and model building.

Janelle Beebe

Job Titles:
  • Escrow Officer

Jolene Stephenson

Job Titles:
  • Escrow Officer

Jordan Scarbrough

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Representative / H4
Jordan was born and raised in Oregon. After graduating high school, Jordan moved to the Philippines and then to Montana and served with "YWAM" - Youth With A Mission, which is a part of the University of the Nations. After moving back home to Eugene, he worked at Pneu-med. In 2016, Jordan started working at Evergreen as a courier and receptionist, then was promoted to our title department in Springfield where he is responsible for Preliminary Title Reports and is a Policy Typist. Outside of work, Jordan enjoys going on adventures with his wife, serving in his local church, preparing for overseas missions, spending time with his family and studying old books.

Joseph Silence

Job Titles:
  • Title Officer
Joe was born and raised in Eugene and has lived in Oregon his entire life. He joined Evergreen Land Title in 1994 and has collectively 25 years of experience in marketing, customer service, recording and title examining. In 2016 Joe became the manager of the title department. Prior to working at Evergreen, Joe worked in the travel and hospitality industry and was also very involved with starting his church. Joe is passionate about community service and is a member of the Lions Club, Oregon Sight and Hearing Foundation, Jr. Achievement, YMCA and enjoys missionary trips. While not at work or giving back to the community, you can find Joe spending time with his 5 kids, 5 grandkids, fishing in Alaska, fishing in Oregon or hunting with friends.

Loan Estimate Quote

Job Titles:
  • Buyer Cost Sheet

Scott Thompson - CFO, VP

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • Vice President
Scott was born and raised in the Eugene/Springfield area. Before his career with Evergreen begun, Scott had a successful career with Anheuser Busch, where he exceled in sales and marketing. Scott joined Evergreen Land Title in 2017 as a business development representative and has since taken over the position of Chief Financial Officer. When Scott is not at work, he enjoys spending time on his boat, supporting the Oregon Ducks at sporting events, spending time with family and working out.

Susan Greene-Bailey

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Representative
  • Business Deveopment Representative
Susan grew up Eugene. She started her career in Title and Escrow in 1977 and has been in business development and marketing most of that time. Susan is married and enjoys spending time at home. She and her husband have four grown children and nine grandchildren. She also enjoys entertaining friends and family, cooking, gardening, golf and traveling.

Tagon Hanes

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
Tagon was raised in the Eugene/Springfield area. She joined Evergreen Land Title in 2015 as a receptionist and later found herself transitioning into an escrow assistant role for Ken Boyst. Tagon enjoys integrating herself into every aspect of the escrow process. When Tagon is away from work, you can find her spending time with family and friends. VIEW PROFILE Tagon Hanes Escrow Assistant