Bob Lai - CEO, CFO

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • Managing Partner
Bob Lai is the managing partner and CFO of ITEnterpriser. He previously acted as CFO for AccelStor, an all-flash data storage provider. Prior to this, he did product engineering for MStar Semiconductor and has half a decade of experience as director of product marketing. He's also founded multiple successful companies based in Taipei, Taiwan. Interestingly enough, he also has experience in architecture. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture Engineering from Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan. Not long in the field, his passion for technology drove him to pursue other ventures, leading him to where he is now.

Dave McKay

Job Titles:
  • Writer - Network / Cyber Security Expert
Dave McKay first used computers in industry in 1977 when punched paper tape was still in vogue. This pre-dates the birth of the PC and the public release of Unix. He has been programming ever since in everything from 6502 assembly to Lisp, and from Forth to C#. During his career he has worked as a freelance programmer, the manager of an international software development team, an IT services project manager, and, most recently, as a Data Protection Officer. He is now an independent consultant in Data Protection and Compliance, and a freelance technology journalist. Much of his work can be found at How-To-Geek.

Jon L. Jacobi

Job Titles:
  • Writer - Data Storage Expert
Jon is a Juilliard-trained musician, former x86/6800 programmer, and long-time (late '70s) computer enthusiast living in the San Francisco bay area. His involvement with computers started with a family friend's punch card entry job, an IMSAI 8080, then every personal computer made by Atari, Commodore, Apple, and IBM. He has written more than 2,000 (and counting) articles for many renowned websites such as PCWorld, Techhive, MacWorld, NetworkWorld, CIO, Forbes, CNET, Wired, and many others. His articles have been read too many times to count.

Marshall Gunnell - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
Marshall Gunnell is the founder and CEO of ITEnterpriser. He's the guy that makes sure all operations run smoothly. This includes managing the lab where testing is done, filtering out relevant news from the noise, and working closely with the team of expert writers that make ITEnterpriser what it is. Marshall's work can be found on many renown online media such as How-To Geek, Zapier, and StorageReview. He also has many years of experience in the data storage industry in both consumer and enterprise sectors, with his journey starting at Synology. He currently still writes content for his first love, How-To Geek, and API/Software documentation.