SEATTLE - Key Persons

Blue Pride

Blue Pride was formed by Nick Schmidt, after working for over 15 years in the IT industry. Nick has worked in all facets of IT, telephony, networking, wireless, and communications infrastructure.

Eric Lars Larson

Eric Lars Larson, joined the Blue Pride I.S. team in 2018. He is an experienced sales and marketing professional with a strong background working in Telecommunications and building teams to take innovative products to market, expanding customer relationships and sales potentials. He is known for his connections to decision makers throughout the technology industries. Eric has spent the last 20 years selling & implementing Data Center, Cloud, Internet, Telephony & Technology products for companies throughout the Northwest. He is known for his brutal honesty and he will always fight for the benefit of his customers. Eric is proud to have served his country in the U.S. Army as a 91Alpha Combat Field Medic. The Army taught him organizational skills, discipline, teamwork, and pride.