Erin Fight

Job Titles:
  • Owner & Innkeeper
From 1994 to 2018, Erin was a massage therapist, holistic health counselor, fitness instructor and restorative movement specialist, working very closely with professional and Olympic athletes and Whole Foods Markets. Erin immersed herself in the Good Food Movement, while being affiliated with Whole Foods Markets, Georgia Organics and White Oak Pastures. She believes that what's on our guests plates can have a far-reaching, positive impact beyond our bodies - and, can taste fantastic, too! She can usually be found in the kitchen.

Jeff Sidwell

Job Titles:
  • Owner & Innkeeper
Spending over 35 years as a General Contractor in the Commercial and Industrial construction industry, Jeff was involved at the management level coordinating construction projects throughout the United States. Jeff's attention to detail and striving for everything to be perfect for our guests makes for a wonderful experience at our magical destination. You can usually find Jeff working outside on the property grounds or planning our next project.