Updated 914 days ago
- Age: 85 years
- ID: 42030083/30
In June of 1951, by vote at the Jack and Jill National Convention, Winston-Salem became the 37th Jack and Jill Chapter. The chapter began with five Charter members: Louise Davis, Mary Hauser, Elaine Malloy, Melanie Walker and Nell Wright. The Winston-Salem Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., is a non-profit family organization with mothers holding membership... During our history, we have accomplished much for our children, children in the community and the community as a whole. We are proud of the success of the We Invest Now for Tomorrow (WIN) program. WIN was funded by a grant from the Jack and Jill of America Foundation. It was designed to empower African-American youth in our community through hands-on lessons in basic financial management and wealth building principles. The program was conducted by one of our own chapter fathers, Danny Freeman. In addition, the Winston-Salem Chapter has hosted a regional cluster, a successful regional children's cluster, and the 58th..
Also known as: Jack, Jack and Jill Winston-Salem, Jill of America, Inc