Bruce Kinloch

Job Titles:
  • Director
Bruce has over 30 years of experience giving face-to-face financial advice. During his career he worked for Prudential and Friends Provident before setting up Kinloch Ward in 2005. Sincere and conscientious, Bruce prides himself on being a good listener, providing clients with a thorough and reliable service. Bruce is a fan of most forms of motorsports especially MotoGP and likes to see this live when it comes to the UK. He also enjoys fell walking and cycling, particularly mountain biking.

Jamie Ward

Job Titles:
  • Trainee Adviser
Jamie has had a number of positions since leaving university, across business finance, television production, and now personal financial services. He is a big fan of live music and goes to gigs on a regular basis. He enjoys playing guitar and singing and has recently been involved in producing music videos. Like Bruce, Jamie is a keen fell walker and occasionally rides a mountain bike. He has big ambitions to climb mountains with Mount Teide being first on the list.

Susan Ward-Kinloch

Job Titles:
  • Practice Manager
Susan has over 30 years of experience giving financial advice, working for both Prudential and NatWest during this time. She has a vast amount of experience advising clients face-to-face and also has worked in back office compliance ensuring the best possible outcomes for clients. Susan has recently joined the family business offering both client and business support. Susan has been married to Bruce for many years and they have a daughter, Rachael, two sons, Warren and Jamie and two grandsons, River, who is six and Sonny, who is now three years old.