Brendan Jones

Job Titles:
  • Partner
Brendan is an award winning producer who puts creative to work for candidates, companies and causes. Brendan Jones turns strategies and objectives into compelling creative that drives action. Brendan has been designing websites with an empathetic, user-centric focus on ease-of-use since 1995 for clients in North America, Europe, and Australia. His television and radio work has aired across Canada, the United States, and Australia. He served as a Special Assistant to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and developed the creative behind many of the Conservative Party of Canada's digital campaigns during the 2006, 2008 and 2011 federal elections.

Daniel Schow

Job Titles:
  • Alberta Practice Lead
Your story matters, Daniel makes it his mission to equip you with the tools you need to tell it. Daniel has nearly a decade of experience as a strategic adviser, storyteller, and media relations professional at the federal, provincial and international level, with a career that has taken him across Canada and beyond. He has spent time in the Office of the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition on Parliament Hill, in the Premier's Office and around the Cabinet table in Alberta's Legislature, alongside leadership throughout Treaty 6 territory in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and in collaboration with key decision makers from Mexico City. Passionate about empowering individuals and organizations to tell their stories confidently and competently, Daniel excels in strategic planning and execution, bringing a dynamic blend of experience and skill to any team or project. As a former Press Secretary on Parliament Hill, he routinely navigated complex media landscapes both at home and abroad. As an Issues Manager in the Premier's office in Alberta he managed large teams across several ministries, providing policy and communications counsel to the Premier and Cabinet. As VP of Strategic Relationships at Turko & Associates, he led Indigenous community outreach and government relations efforts, advised on successful Chief and Council campaigns, and crafted strategies for Indigenous storytelling projects.

Hamish Marshall

Job Titles:
  • Partner
  • Strategist
Most people tell stories with words. Hamish is a strategist, pollster and demographic expert who tells stories with numbers. Hamish is one of Canada's best-known political strategists. He has designed and implemented campaigns at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. Marshall has been working as a public opinion researcher since 2006. Working for the Government of Canada he was the liaison between the central agencies of government and the Prime Minister's Office on all matters relating to public opinion research. He later served as Research Director for Angus Reid Public Opinion before founding Abingdon Research in 2010. Since 2010 he has built the research business to work with companies across Canada and as part of ONE to help our clients make better decisions. He has been the project lead on all the projects described above. Marshall has been analyzing and interpreting data from online panels since 2009. This includes testing and calibrating new panels in jurisdictions like the United Kingdom as well as ensuring that panel growth is appropriate and balanced across Canada. He has conducted many large-scale projects on panels and understands their assets and strengths to ensure the most accurate results for government decision making. Marshall has a Master of Business Administration from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. His highest mark was achieved on the quantitative methods course. He has an Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto in International Relations.

Terrance Oakey

Job Titles:
  • Partner
With 20+ years in marketing and 15+ years bridging public and private sectors, Terrance crafts captivating campaigns. Terrance is an experienced communications and marketing professional with over 20 years' experience in developing compelling marketing campaigns for clients in the construction, banking, telecommunications and trade association fields. Oakey is an expert in understanding how governments work and how the public interacts with them based on his over 15 years of experience in the public and private sectors. He contributes to the public opinion practice by helping to develop questionnaires that get at the heart of what governments need to make decisions.

Travis Freeman

Job Titles:
  • Partner
We all try to stack up to the competition. Travis is full-stack developer who leaves the competition behind. Travis Freeman develops cutting-edge digital solutions that achieve your objectives online. Travis is an experienced web developer. He was a lead for the Conservative Party of Canada digital team in the 2008 and 2011 federal elections. The programs he developed powered many of the online resources utilized in those campaigns. Freeman was the Database Specialist and Senior Developer of New Media for the Conservative Caucus Research Department. He studied computer programming and digital pre-press at Algonquin College.