SUPERB STEEL - Key Persons

Jeremiah Evans

Job Titles:
  • Controller

Nicholas Putnam

Job Titles:
  • Controller
T-bone alcatra strip steak beef ribs. Swine pork loin picanha, landjaeger pastrami jerky cupim spare ribs pork chop filet mignon tongue rump. Pork loin fatback andouille, ham meatloaf ribeye jowl tail rump kevin. Alcatra porchetta bresaola ground round. Strip steak drumstick frankfurter, tongue jowl shoulder jerky landjaeger biltong sirloin salami t-bone andouille meatball alcatra. T-bone ribeye prosciutto sausage meatloaf tenderloin.

Ray Cunningham

Job Titles:
  • Client

Tom Ostynski - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
If you think you need a corporate office to get your business started, think again. Sometimes the garage was at the childhood home of the company's founders. The humble beginnings of the following six multibillion-dollar companies prove that great ideas are still great ideas, no matter where they're started and developed. Tom started his company from a garage and escoltaed his ambition.