WINSPERT - Key Persons

Charlene Tan

"It all started when I messaged two strangers at random and asked them who's class, they took to pass their Part 1. Both at different timing said Jigyasa, Winspert. I immediately without thinking twice signed up for her class. This I must say was one of the best decisions I made. Jigyasa is a meticulous person. Sometimes at the back of our mind we may think how these coaches actually mentor when it's a big group? I dare say that Jigyasa can. Besides her teaching materials which is incredibly good, she is always open to answering our doubts and questions be it anytime of the day. This proves how personal, one to one Jigyasa can be. One lesson I'll never forget from her orientation which she constantly reminds us from the beginning is how important to master the concept. She doesn't just want us to mug up, she wants us to understand so that it remains in our head for a long at the same time equipped to apply these during the exam. This is such a good stepping stone to Part 2 as well. We laugh, joke and discuss during classes. More so, I enjoyed the encouragement Jigyasa who never fail to bring to the table. She understands how tough and overwhelming it can be that's why in between classes she motivates, sympathize and push us to shoulder through. Passing Part 1 at my first try is truly, truly God's blessing. A bulk of the success has a lot to do with Jigyasa. Sometimes I wish she can be my lifelong tutor because she is the best out there. If she was coaching Part 2, without a doubt like I mentioned above, I'll sign up for her classes over and over again. I don't know what else to say but Thank you Ma'am! You are an unforgettable person and I'm so thankful for a person as smart & caring as you."