XTELLUS VENTURES - History of Changes

2020-03-19 delete index_pages_linkeddomain xtelluscapital.com
2020-03-19 insert address 535 Madison Ave, 5th Fl. New York, NY 10022
2020-03-19 insert alias Xtellus Ventures Inc.
2020-03-19 insert industry_tag advisory and investment
2020-03-19 insert phone +1 (646) 527-6400
2020-03-19 update primary_contact null => 535 Madison Ave, 5th Fl. New York, NY 10022
2020-02-17 delete source_ip
2020-02-17 insert source_ip
2020-02-17 update robots_txt_status www.xtellusventures.com: 404 => 200