Kathy Boyle

Job Titles:
  • Gallup Certified Strengths Coach
A former Wall Street Executive and a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, Kathy incorporates practical solutions where we can ALL overcome our situation regardless of past circumstances, and that obstacles are simply opportunities for personal growth & development to improve outcomes both in life and in business. Kathy has been a guest speaker at various conferences and workshops on the topic of Personal Strengths Training, and has taught on the subject at The King's University in Dallas, TX. Her passion is to see barriers broken down for improved communication and productivity in the workplace, allowing individuals and teams to function at the highest levels possible.

Terry F. Boyle

Job Titles:
  • Founder, the
"Emotional wellness support has never been in greater demand. We provide that measure of professional and intentional care to employee's so that employer's can focus on what they do best, running their business." Terry has corporate experience with companies such as Merrill Lynch, Amazon, and Delta Airlines, and has served as a Chaplain with Samaritans Purse International and Gundersen Health System in Wisconsin as a Hospital Chaplain. This experience has allowed him to see the tangible results and benefits of implementing effective care programs, positively impacting both the employer and the employee, along with their families. Terry has served as Director of Single Parent Resource Center, which served the needs of Single Parent Families in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and has been a board member on various non-profit organizations.