Erik Mazzone

Job Titles:
  • Director for the NC Bar Center of Law Practice Management

Stephanie Kimbro

Stephanie Kimbro, MA, JD, was a Fellow at Stanford Law School Center on the Legal Profession and Co-Director of the Center for Law Practice Technology. She is the author of Virtual Law Practice: How to Deliver Legal Services Online (2010, 2nd Ed. 2015), Limited Scope Legal Services: Unbundling and the Self-Help Client (2012), Consumer Law Revolution: The Lawyers' Guide to the Online Legal Marketplace (2013), and Online Legal Services for the Client-Centric Law Firm (2013). Her research and work involves the use of gamification and games to increase engagement with the public around legal issues and to increase productivity in law firms. Stephanie practiced law for ten years delivering unbundled, online legal services to clients through a virtual law firm. In that time, she also founded a legal technology startup which was acquired by a larger legal tech company in 2009. She wrote about ethics and technology issues of delivering legal services online and was interested in the use of tech to increase access to justice. She has presented and guest lectured for many state bars, law schools and other organizations across the country on the topic of legal technology and law practice management. Stephanie was a member of the ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services and a recipient of the ABA Keane Award for Excellence in eLawyering. She taught as an adjunct professor at several law schools. Due to personal and family commitments, Stephanie has stepped away from working in the legal profession for the foreseeable future. She is married to Ron Dolin, a Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in Law at Harvard Law School. Ron's work helps her stay current with issues in the legal profession that interest and concern them both. They live in the Bay Area with their three children. In taking time off from the legal profession, Stephanie has started an infrequently updated blog related to her newest adventures.