MAZOMOS - Key Persons

Francesco Carrer - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director

Niels Dabaut - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Business Director
  • Founder
  • GIS Specialist

Sam Turner

Job Titles:
  • Leader of Research and Innovation Projects
  • Research and Development Director
Background: Sam's PhD in landscape archaeology is from University of York (UK), with later experience working in local government (Devon County Council, UK) and academia (Newcastle University). His main expertise lies in the area of interdisciplinary landscape research, especially understanding the contributions of long-term landscape history to landscape character and heritage. Experience: Sam is an experienced leader of research and innovation projects. He has directed or participated in collaborations with regional, national and international partners in more than 20 countries and published over 100 peer-reviewed books, papers and datasets. He is interested in quantitative and qualitative landscape research including field survey and character assessment. He has worked extensively on the development of tools for landscape management and planning which support the implementation of the European Landscape Convention. Languages: English, French

Stelios Lekakis

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
Background: Stelios studied classical archaeology and heritage management at the University of Athens and the University College London. He is currently a researcher at Newcastle University (landscape heritage, perception & management) and teaches cultural management at the Open University of Cyprus and political economy at the Hellenic Open University. Experience: Stelios works with NGOs (a founding member of MONUMENTA) and university departments as a cultural heritage consultant, focusing on participatory management and cultural informatics projects. He has published extensively in various academic journals and edited volumes on public archaeology, heritage politics and the commons. Languages: Greek, English, Turkish