MIDLAND - History of Changes

2023-10-06 delete alias MIDLAND CORP.
2023-08-31 insert alias MIDLAND CORP.
2023-07-23 delete coo Mike Castles
2023-07-23 delete person Karen Storm
2023-07-23 delete person Mike Castles
2023-07-23 delete person Senator Christopher "Kip" Bateman
2023-03-18 insert person Ms. Susan Lodge
2022-12-09 delete email ve..@midlandschool.org
2022-12-09 delete phone (908) 722-8222 x103
2022-11-06 delete email fi..@midlandnj.org
2022-11-06 delete person Sharon Stamm-Zeldis
2022-11-06 delete person Tom Vollers
2022-11-06 delete phone (908) 800-9961
2022-11-06 insert email ve..@midlandschool.org
2022-11-06 insert phone (908) 722-8222 x103
2022-11-06 update person_description Frank Settipani => Frank Settipani
2022-11-06 update person_description Geoffrey K. Allen => Geoffrey K. Allen
2022-11-06 update person_description John Cunningham => John Cunningham
2022-11-06 update person_description Ms. Lenore Dunn => Lenore Dunn
2022-11-06 update person_description Ms. Katherine (Katya) A. Valasek => Ms. Katherine (Katya) A. Valasek
2022-11-06 update person_description Theresa Scheuble => Theresa Scheuble
2022-11-06 update person_title Lenore Dunn: Retired; Member of the Midland Corporation Board of Trustees => Member of the Midland Foundation Board of Trustees
2022-10-05 insert email fi..@midlandnj.org
2022-10-05 insert phone (908) 800-9961
2022-08-03 insert chro James Petersen
2022-08-03 update person_title James Petersen: Manager of Human Resources => Director of Human Resources
2022-06-03 delete address The Midland School Campus - 94 Readington Road - North Branch, NJ 08876
2022-06-03 delete email ru..@midlandnj.org
2022-06-03 delete index_pages_linkeddomain frontstream.com
2022-05-04 insert address The Midland School Campus - 94 Readington Road - North Branch, NJ 08876
2022-05-04 insert email ru..@midlandnj.org
2022-05-04 insert index_pages_linkeddomain frontstream.com
2022-04-04 delete email en..@midlandnj.org
2022-04-04 delete phone 908-722-8222 x101