Caleb Miller - Founder, Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Founding Partner
  • Managing Director
Caleb is a Founding Partner and Managing Director of InvestorDNA. As a leader and a visionary, he spends his time leading and executing the strategic direction of the firm. His oversight of the company includes areas of corporate decisions including: product development, management of company resources, and long term business partnerships and organizational culture.

Carla Kortzman

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Strategist
Carla is the Social Media Strategist at InvestorDNA. She oversees the social media marketing elements of the company including Facebook and LinkedIn. With over 9 years of customer service experience and working in various positions, she brings a unique and diverse perspective to the team. Carla has a background in Communications as well as Early Childhood Education. Having caught the travel bug, she spent a couple years with an Australian organization teaching English in Malaysia and the Philippines, and volunteered at local out-of-school programs for school-age children and implemented creative arts programs. Her passion for people and lifelong learning allows her to create that interpersonal and inclusive feel at InvestorDNA.

Connor Brown

Job Titles:
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Marketing Strategist
Connor is a Marketing Specialist at InvestorDNA. With an extensive background in technology, communications & advertising, Connor is excited to help bring value to the InvestorDNA community. Outside of work, Connor is an avid fisherman who enjoys spending time outdoors. In Connor's eyes, marketing & fishing are very similar activities, "You need to understand what the fish is after in order to reel it in". He has an entrepreneurial passion and a ‘get-it-done' mentality that helps keep the boat moving.

Curtis McKay

Curtis works in a business development capacity sharing the InvestorDNA experience with new and existing clients. He brings over 25+ years of experience in the financial services industry and is fully proficient in providing a full suite of expertise in wealth accumulation, wealth distribution, and risk management strategies. Prior to joining InvestorDNA wealth, Curtis worked with one of the largest financial planning firms in Canada.

Gloria Trofimova

Job Titles:
  • Director, Operations
Gloria is our Director of Operations, bringing a unique skill set to the IDNA team as a Professional Engineer who has a successful combined 9-year career in the Oil & Gas and Robotics Industry, working with clients of varying backgrounds, managing and collaborating on big-budget projects. With an undeniable passion for innovation, technology and positive impact in the lives of others, Gloria uses her combination of experience as an Engineer and Artificial Intelligence Specialist to develop automated tools for the company by streamlining manual workflows, enabling the best solution for ultimate efficiency in all areas of the business as well as provide an intuitive and collaborative SaaS environment. She values intentional and honest human interactions, believes that it is the fundamental basis for any successful relationship and models this in every area of her personal and work life. She brings a dynamic and technology savvy skillset to the team as well as a natural affinity for people, ensuring smooth flow of the company operations.

Joey Lam - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Founding Partner
  • Managing Director
Joey is a Founding Partner and Managing Director of InvestorDNA. He allocates his time between building company strategy and execution of the firms' direction. His energy, enthusiasm, and passion all come together to build the company on principals of innovation, collaboration, and exceptional client experience.

Riley Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Wealth Planner
Riley works as a Wealth Planner and is here to collaborate with clients to create a financial plan that produces and maintains their financial well-being.