KYTE - Key Persons

Alexandra Simoes

Job Titles:
  • IT Auditor
In her current role, Alexandra is responsible for Gaming Compliance and Gaming Licensing. With meticulous attention, her primary objective is to empower our clients in achieving their targets. Alexandra's strengths lie in her firm dedication and passion for delivering excellent work. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economic Sciences, specialized in Business Administration and Management, Alexandra brings a healthy foundation to her role, ensuring a strategic and informed approach to her responsibilities. Beyond her professional role, Alexandra discovers joy in the company of her pets and family, while cultivating her garden with care. She enjoys exploring new destinations and immersing herself in diverse cultures during her leisure time.

Erim Bilgin

Job Titles:
  • Head of Penetration Testing
Erim Bilgin, Head of Penetration Testing is a vital member of the Kyte Global team. Erim is driven by a lifelong fascination with computers and technology. His journey in this field began at the hardware layer, where he eagerly tinkered with video game consoles, radio devices, and TV protocols, seizing every opportunity to resurrect discarded devices. As the years unfolded, his horizons broadened to encompass software and hardware security, ultimately leading to the realization that one could make a career out of this passion. Erim embarked on a path in the private sector, engaging in the testing of commercial and government organizations to assess their network, application, social, and physical security aspects. Erim oversees a specialized unit responsible for receiving project scopes and delivering comprehensive penetration test reports. His role involves liaising with clients at the project's outset, collaboratively defining project scope and objectives, and ensuring complete alignment among all stakeholders. Subsequently, he guides our talented team through the testing process, guaranteeing the thorough examination of targets and the production of clear, concise, and informative reports that reveal security vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies to our clients. He primarily functions as the bridge between clients, compliance experts, and the penetration testing team, facilitating the progression of projects through their various technical phases, and ensuring everyone is synchronized every step of the way. He has earned important certifications most sought after in the field. Beyond his professional pursuits, he's penchant for stand-up comedy, dabble in playing the saxophone, savour video games, and find peace in the serenity of hiking.

Karishma Abeeluck

Job Titles:
  • Senior Finance Executive
Karishma Abeeluck brings valuable experience to Kyte Global. With five years of diverse professional background in various industries, she has gained skills and expertise to provide exceptional value to the company. Karishma's journey began as a junior Finance Officer, where she obtained valuable insights while working in the loans department. She then transitioned to a Collections Support Officer, refining her client-facing and people management abilities. Seeking to broaden her horizons, she continued her career at Deloitte Mauritius, gaining hands-on experience in financial audits. Later, as a Funds Accountant, she managed a diverse portfolio of clients, which deepened her accounting knowledge. This experience paved the way for her current role at Kyte Global, where she takes charge of the finance department, responsible for preparing management accounts, bookkeeping and all related financial tasks. Her primary objective is to analyze data and trends, enabling us to make timely decisions to enhance the profitability and efficiency of our services. Additionally, she is currently pursuing her studies, to further enrich her skillset. Beyond her professional life, she finds solace in reading books, with autobiographies or thrillers being her favorites, and enjoys spending quality time at the beach or embarking on long drives.

Kevin Campbell

Job Titles:
  • Head of PCI DSS
Meet Kevin Campbell, with a career spanning over a number of years, leaving him with a remarkable journey to become the Head of Kyte Global's PCI DSS department. His career kicked off in the realm of technical sales, computer sales, and IT Admin roles, where he acquired skills and developed a deep competency in computing. This foundation paved the way for a transition into the role of an IT Auditor, which set the stage for his current position. Heading Kyte Global's PCI department is a demanding yet immensely rewarding role. His primary mission is to assist prospective clients in achieving PCI compliance, while also providing unwavering support and leadership to Kyte Global's internal QSA team, ensuring they meet their targets for the company. He brings to the table a wealth of experience in leadership, guidance, and resourcefulness. His educational background includes a BTEC First in Computer Studies and a BTEC First in Business and Finance, which he leverages to excel in his role. To further support his career progression, he obtained a range of certifications, including MCSE, CCNA, CISA, CISM, QSA, QPA, and ISO27001:2013. Beyond his professional pursuits, he finds joy in the simple pleasures of life, such as cooking, writing, and indulging in the magic of well-crafted movies.

Rafa Polikowski

Job Titles:
  • Commercial Manager
Rafa Polikowski is the Commercial Manager at Kyte Global. He has pursued a career in international trade and IT Sales with unwavering dedication and passion. Graduating in International Relations laid the foundation for his lifelong goal of working in the international trade arena. This journey took him through five years of sales experience in advertising and logistics, setting the stage for a pivotal shift into international IT Sales a decade ago - a move that has proven to be profoundly rewarding. In his role as the driving force behind Kyte's revenue-generating operations, he is entrusted with the task of ensuring that our commercial team is equipped with the essential knowledge, tools, and comprehensive support required to serve our clients to the best of our ability. His understanding of sales and marketing processes, cultivated in diverse industries and across multiple countries, empowers him to navigate the complex landscape of international sales successfully. His qualifications include a master's degree in international relations and a range of sales trainings, including customer-centric sales. To stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving sales domain, he follows blogs and insights of peers who have truly made a difference in elevating the sales process to a higher level. He attended sales academies, to further enhance his skills set. Beyond his professional pursuits, he has nurtured an adventurous spirit by visiting over a thousand cities in more than a hundred countries, a testament to his deep passion for independent travel. Combining this love of exploration with daily yoga and weekly hikes, he has discovered the perfect balance to manage the occasional stress that accompanies the world of sales-a realm that often demands resilience and agility.

Roderick Vella

Job Titles:
  • Head - IT Audit
Roderick Vella, who embarked on his career with a foundation in Information Technology Support roles, acquiring technical skills and valuable experience in IT operations. Continuing his career growth with a local bank, Roderick dedicated several years to the industry. During this time, he took on responsibilities such as overseeing Information Security, Operational Risk Management, and playing a vital role in Internal IT Auditing. This experience provided him with a comprehensive understanding of financial regulations, focusing on frameworks such as PSD2, GDPR, and DORA. Roderick also gained insights into the international aspects of the financial sector during a brief period at one of Europe's institutions. In his current role as IT Auditor within Kyte Global, Roderick is responsible for managing a team of auditors performing several IT Audit Projects against various information security standards and industry regulations. Known for his collaborative spirit, Roderick is a team player who thrives on challenges and values networking. Beyond the professional scene, he finds peace in exploring diverse corners of the world whenever time permits. A fond animal lover, you'll often spot him with his loyal husky companion.

Trevor Axiak

Job Titles:
  • Director
Trevor Axiak is a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience in the field of information security and compliance. As the director of Kyte Global, he has consistently demonstrated his expertise and leadership in the promotion of effective Information Security and Compliance to industry and regulatory standards. Trevor's passion for information security began early in his career when he graduated in Information Technology. Immediately, he recognized the growing importance of protecting digital assets in an increasingly interconnected world. With a strong educational background in computer science, a series of industry certifications such as, CISA, CISM, PCI DSS/3DS Qualified Security Assessor, SWIFT and other Information Security qualifications, he quickly gained recognition for his technical proficiency and ability to manage complex projects. Throughout his career, Trevor has worked with organizations of all sizes across various sectors, namely Fintech, Gaming and Technology. His mindset and meticulous attention to detail have added value to clients by identifying and managing risks, it allowed him to develop robust security frameworks, and implement effective risk management strategies tailored to each client's unique needs. Trevor's reputation as a trusted advisor stems from his ability to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. He excels at articulating complex security concepts in a clear and accessible manner, enabling executives and employees at all levels to understand and prioritize information security requirements. As a thought leader in the industry, Trevor stays at the forefront of emerging trends and regulatory developments. He actively participates in conferences, workshops, and professional associations, where he shares his insights and collaborates with other experts to shape best practices in information security and compliance. Beyond his technical expertise, Trevor is known for his strong leadership skills. He fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning within his team, empowering them to deliver quality to clients.

Vivian Duff

Job Titles:
  • Business Development Manager
Meet Vivian Duff, our Business Development Manager at Kyte Global, Vivian's career has been anchored in delivering innovative solutions and services to a diverse range of sectors, including Financial Services, Payments, Government Departments, Mobile Networks, and Gaming Operators. Since 2016, he had the privilege of contributing to Kyte Global's expansion efforts both in Malta and internationally. In his role, he acts as a point of contact for nurturing and sustaining successful, mutually beneficial relationships with our portfolio of clients spanning over 60 countries. His mission is clear: to propel Kyte Global's growth by engaging with clients, both new and existing, to comprehend their unique business requirements and position our services to help them attain their operational and financial goals in the realms of Compliance, Information Security, and Licensing for Financial Institutions and Gaming Operators. He is a highly motivated, results-driven professional, leveraging his knowledge and extensive network to drive the company's turnover and business expansion. His learning journey in this field has largely been self-taught, through his tenure in international companies. Throughout his career, he actively engaged in numerous training sessions, presentations, and conferences. Learning from peers who are distinguished experts in their respective fields has been instrumental, grounding theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios and practical business cases. In his leisure time he explores the great outdoors, whether hiking through hills and forests with his beloved dog, embarking on exhilarating mountain or road bike rides, or traveling the world to visit family, friends, and clients. Music also holds a special place in his heart, and you'll often find him at an Irish Bar, revelling in the magic of live music and the joy of laughter.