Nikoo Kalantari

Nikoo Kalantari is a licensed attorney with practice experience at the largest asset manager in the world and at a top ten law firm. His decision to enter into business as a solo practitioner came at a time of opportunity, and today, the Kalantari Law Firm boasts major successes providing substantive legal work in tier 1 finance, pharmaceuticals, headline-worthy criminal defense matters, and even vicariously through clients who went from start-up to wildly successful, revenue generating businesses or personalities under the representation and sage guidance of Nikoo Kalantari and the Kalantari Law Firm. Nikoo Kalantari is best reached via e-mail at nikoo@kalantarilaw.com. All content herein is the official copyright of Nikoo Kalantari and the Kalantari Law Firm without reservation as of 2022 and beyond. All other rights respectively reserved.