REVIVE - Key Persons

Shruthi Gowda - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
A Software Engineer and a minimalist residing in what used to be one of the most beautiful cities in India, the Garden City and slowly see it turning into one of the highest waste generating city & witnessing the apathy around has always bothered Shruthi. She felt helpless for not being able to change this, but Revive has now given her the platform to show people the follies of our ways and take one step at a time towards changing our habits, the choices we make and wade our way to preserve our blue planet.

Shubha Gowda

Job Titles:
  • Creative Head
A commerce graduate by chance and an artist by choice, Shubha right from a young age realized that her biggest strengths were creativity and creating art with the same. It's always easy to lose our sense of creativity in the modern world but Revive is now her pathway to be truly imaginative and unique. She creates illustrations inspired by nature and is definitely the creative soul behind the team.

Suraj Gowda

Job Titles:
  • Founder, CEO )
A Post-graduate in International Business Management from Canada, a wildlife photographer, and a nature enthusiast, Suraj has always had a keen eye for nature and wildlife. Having travelled and explored a lot, he believes that our planet has a lot to offer and we can reap its benefits only if we care and nurture it. But with major environmental changes taking place , he felt there was a need for action and decided 'Revive' would be the perfect start so that he could be part of the community that brings about change. He carries a variety of responsibilities in the company - be it operations, procurement, management, design, packaging or marketing, he does it all.

Sushma Gowda - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Thinking back to the way things used to be while she was growing up, Sushma always knew that we need to go back to where we started. Revive, thus became a platform for her to educate people about their choices. An engineer turned artist, youtuber, DIY enthusiast and blogger currently residing in the USA - she primarily takes care of all the design aspects of the company and also wears many different hats as needed.