MICHAEL INKMAN - History of Changes

2022-02-26 delete chieflegalofficer Liz Steinhaus
2022-02-26 delete cmo Clay McMurray
2022-02-26 delete otherexecutives Helen A Ralph
2022-02-26 insert otherexecutives Scott Fletcher
2022-02-26 delete person Clay McMurray
2022-02-26 delete person Helen A Ralph
2022-02-26 delete person Liz Steinhaus
2022-02-26 delete person Paul Walnick
2022-02-26 delete person Ron Kluk
2022-02-26 delete person Sandy Pettinger
2022-02-26 insert person Betty Graham
2022-02-26 insert person Jessica Manna
2022-02-26 insert person Tom Westerfield
2022-02-26 update person_description Joy Knoch => Joy Knoch
2022-02-26 update person_description Steve Jacobson => Steve Jacobson
2022-02-26 update person_title Scott Fletcher: Member of the Leadership Team; President of Compliance and Risk => Chief Credit Officer
2022-02-26 update person_title Tom Dixon: Executive Vice President of Operations => President - Closing & Post Closing