Ann Short

Ann Short - Ann holds an Associate Degree in Information Systems. Her certifications include: MCP-Microsoft Certified Professional, MCSA-Microsoft Certified Systems Associate and MVSE-Microsoft certified Systems Engineer. She spent a short time as our campus IT Specialist. Ann is currently serving as the office manager and has been employed at the School of Graphic Arts for 13 years.

Catherine Scott

Catherine Scott - Catherine has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Commercial Art with 34 years experience in the graphic design/print field. Catherine was VP of Visual Media for a local branding firm and has an extensive design background in the retail environment and newspaper industry. She has been with the School of Graphic Arts for 8 months.

John H Mills

Job Titles:
  • Superintendent

Libby Lambert

Thomas Barlow

Job Titles:
  • Manager, MHCO Print & Design Center

Thomas Boyd