MAYFAIR GP - Key Persons

Dr Vibhu Kaushal

Prior to becoming a GP, Dr Kaushal spent eight years working in hospitals, in various different roles including Paediatrics, General Medicine, Elderly Care, Accident and Emergency, Intensive Care, Psychiatry, Breast Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics and Gastroenterology. These roles have given her the expertise, confidence and comfort to see patients of all ages and with a variety of illnesses. Growing up abroad, Dr Kaushal understands the difficulties and stresses of trying to seek all-encompassing medical care and so she has set up this practice to help you through your patient journey from beginning to end when you choose to have your care in the UK. Through the years of her training, which included a lot of shift work and working nights, she found maintaining a healthy lifestyle very difficult. For this reason, she has embarked on a Lifestyle Medicine diploma to reinforce what she has self-taught herself over the last ten years. Dr Kaushal learned quickly that fad diets don't work and actually it's all about consistency. But how do you keep consistency when life gets in the way? She has learned to incorporate diet and exercise into her day-to-day routine and finds this is much more manageable.

Dr Vikas Mehta

Dr Mehta comes with a wealth of experience. From working as the private doctor to A-list celebrities and leaders in business and industry, to working in the NHS. He has worked in many countries and travelled as a private concierge doctor too so he has experience in all hospital specialties and working in different environments.