Chris Field

Having been an Associate at the Practice since 2016, Chris has recently taken over ownership of the Practice from the highly respected Tom Cree and has a long established association with osteopathy as his father is a practising osteopath in North London. Chris graduated in Osteopathy from Leeds Beckett University and has subsequently undertaken post [...]

David Davies

David Davies has worked at Harrogate Osteopathic Clinic for thirty years. After completing an honours degree in zoology at Reading University, he then studied at the British School of Osteopathy for a further four years, qualifying in 1987. Acupuncture became a valuable adjunct to his osteopathic approach following two years' study of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture [...]

Elise Evans

Elise is originally from Sweden and has been living in Yorkshire since 1997. During her 20- year career working in well-known hospitality establishments in Leeds, she studied holistic therapies such as Swedish body massage, Reflexology and Indian head massage, which sparked an interest in human anatomy and the understanding of the body's ability to self-heal [...]

Lenka Beardshall

Lenka originally qualified as an accountant in her birthplace the Czech Republic, before qualifying as an osteopath in 2005 at the British School of Osteopathy in London. This is the largest and oldest Osteopathic College in the UK, widely respected throughout the world. Lenka is registered with the General Osteopathic Council that regulates the practice [...]

Tom Cree

Tom Cree uses both structural and cranial osteopathic techniques as well as using acupuncture. His over fifty year career has given him a wide experience both of patients, their problems and the most effective approaches to treatment. He has always believed in working in close cooperation with GPs and other medical professionals allowing patients to [...]