Muhammad Abdullah Shahab

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
Muhammad Abdullah Shahab is a graduate from International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He did his BS (Software Engineering) and started his career as an intern in ISLO Technologies, then he was promoted to Trainee Software Engineer, then Junior Software Engineer and now he is working as Software Engineer at ISLO Technologies. Mr. Abdullah now after years have experience of working in different environments for different type of projects and products.

Rana Zain Tauqeer

Job Titles:
  • Manager Software Development
Rana Zain Tauqeer is a graduate of University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan. After completion of BS (Software Engineering) he joined an IT company in Lahore, Pakistan and worked there for two years as support engineer and software engineer. After two years he came back to his native area Gujranwala city where he found that there are very less software houses and there is a huge gap. He his own software house and withing one year he got great success. Now he has one of the top software house of Gujranwala city.

Zubair Farooq

Job Titles:
  • International Sales Manager
  • Software Engineer
Zubair Farooq is a software engineer having BS (Software Engineering) degree from University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Paksitan. After BS he started his professional career as a software engineer in a local IT company and after six months he moved to Saudi Arabia where he worked with different multinational organizations for more than 3 years. Then he moved back to Pakistan and started a startup. Now he is in China looking after the international sales of the company and providing consultancy to different Chinese organizations for sales in Pakistan.