Rob Leader

Job Titles:
  • Registered Builder & Managing Director
Rob is a well-respected industry professional who began his building career when he was just 18 years old. While managing construction sites with several of Australia's major builders, Rob oversaw the construction of more than 10,000 new homes in Western Australia. Stemming from this experience and with a passion to do it better, Rob teamed with Stacey and created Leading Homes WA. Their mission: to make the average Perth house, a made-to-last home with customer satisfaction every step of the way.

Stacey Leader - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Stacey has a passion for contract administration and interior decorating and has been in the building industry since she was just 16 years of age so, like Rob, when she says, "Building is all I've ever known", she means it! Stacey prides herself on the ability to speak openly and honestly with her clients. As a result of her hands-on experience in all administrative processes related to building and design, clients can rest easy that her recommendations are not only expertly given, but genuine too. Like Rob, Stacey's passion lies in building homes, not houses.