Wallace Stegner

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  • Author
Wallace Stegner, author of the novels BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAIN and CROSSING TO SAFETY, coined the terms, NESTERS & BOOMERS in characterizing the people who kept moving west, some to settle and some to exploit the newly opened land. In Stegner's words, "The nester is the steward, the quiet force who builds without destroying and wants to stay without soiling the nest." That quote from Stegner pretty much fits me. I confess that what Stegner wrote, has more to do with my aspirations than my reality. I have done too much "soiling" and destroying" of this beautiful earth. I prefer, however, to participate and cooperate with others rather than finding ways to "make my mark." I would rather be part of a crew bringing in the net than be the skipper. I would prefer to sit in a circle listening to teenagers read to each other what they have written than be lecturing in front of a class. I would rather be on my knees weeding the garden than be a rugged individual braving the rapids. I would rather be part of the planning and implementing of a garden than hiring an architect and landscaper.