SHAKAMBRI - Key Persons

Mr. Kailash Chand Sharma

With his exemplary loyalty,dedication and commitment towards the group,Mr Kailash Chand Sharma started his journey with the group as the Chief of Accounting and Operations and gradually proved his mettle and ventured into sales.He is shouldered with the responsibility of undertaking trade for products like cattle feed, poultry farm items, mustard seeds and maize.The group is blessed to have an exceptionally reliant individual like him owing to his indispensable contribution in the arenas of Sales,accounting and operations over the last thirty years.

Mr. Nirbhay Goyal

With an ancestral urge to unleash his potential in the earmarked business segment,Mr.Nirbhay Goyal,a business graduate commenced his career with the entity by assessing the trade practices and gradually developed his expertise in black matpe and pigeon pea.He is often known for his competence in identifying trade opportunities and obtaining the first mover advantage.At a young age,he has been able to effectively analyse industrial trends and materialise lucrative business prospects and is striving hard to take the venture to unprecedented heights.