With a 1970 B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta, followed by courses in management and business, Darryl Martin worked 20 years in positions of increasing management responsibility in the manufacturing industry. He then served 7 years as an industry specialist in the Alberta Economic Development and Trade ministry. Following a few years as business turn-around consultant, he started and led a recycling company, engaging a First Nations financial partner. Upon sale of his interest to another First Nations company, Darryl and his wife relocated to Salt Spring in 2013 where he volunteered for 6 years with the local Economic Development Commission (3 years as chair) and for 2 years as Alternate to the Salt Spring Island Capital Regional District Director. He joined the TSSEC board in 2014.


David received his Chartered Accountant designation while living in the UK. Shortly after qualifying he moved from public practice to a large international construction company where he was responsible for financial reporting aspects of the Canadian operation. He moved to Canada in 1978 where he obtained his Canadian CA (now CPA,CA) designation. He spent most of his career in senior financial and technology management roles in the for-profit (health sciences, technology, and publishing) sector and, more recently, with not-for-profit and charitable organisations. Away from his financial professional roles he has been an active volunteer in both animal welfare and outdoor activities organisations for many years. With his wife, he moved to live full time on Salt Spring in 2021. They are both committed to giving back to the community in whatever volunteer roles they may usefully contribute. His interests include gardening, hiking, photography, woodworking, and, more recently, a rambunctious puppy.


After earning degrees in physics at Université Laval in Québec and accounting at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Donald joined Canada's diplomatic service in 1970 where he spent 35 rewarding years. His foreign assignments included Hong Kong, Yugoslavia, Nigeria, Switzerland, Britain and Saudi Arabia where he served as a trade specialist. He wound up his career by serving as Canada's Ambassador in Iran, Poland, Belarus, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Donald and his wife retired to Salt Spring in 2005 subsequent to which he immersed himself in community activities. He joined the TSSEC board in 2012. His leadership skills, senior management background and long experience as an economic specialist have served him well in his volunteer board duties with the Salt Spring Island Transportation Commission (Chair), the local performing arts centre "ArtSpring" (President), non-profit Island Pathways and TSSEC (Treasurer). In his spare time, Donald likes to build benches for community pathways and trails on Salt Spring and for ArtSpring.


Job Titles:
  • Treasurer of the Circle Salt Spring Education
Chartered Accountant, treasurer of The Circle Salt Spring Education Society for six years, worked in various industries, last role for fifteen years prior to retirement was Chief Financial Officer of a large private company with operations across Canada and overseas in Mongolia. Eric's home includes solar panels, a heat pump, water catchment, a food garden and EVs.


Nora's career background is in supporting environmental non-government organizations with their research and fundraising practices. This led to her interest in how to support project advocates develop their "idea hatching" competencies. She is active in the Salt Spring Island Printmakers Society (founder and chair), she hikes and kayaks, and she spends as much time as possible in her studio and garden.


Stephen, with his late wife Brigitte, first visited Salt Spring on vacation from where they lived and worked in Redmond, WA. There was an immediate connection to the Island and only a few years later, in 2012, Salt Spring became their home. Prior to his retirement over ten years ago, Stephen's career in information technology included management roles with IBM, Microsoft and an international consulting company. While on the Island he took the opportunity to assist with development of an application that supports one of the local Social Services' operations. His spare time is taken up with gardening, cycling, hiking, kayaking and photography.