ACCA - Key Persons


Job Titles:
Mick Symons (far left on UN hosted anti-corruption panel in Sebia) has extensive experience in law enforcement and working with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in New South Wales.

Mick Symons - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
  • Experienced Anti Corruption Consultant
  • Small Business
Mick Symons is the Managing Director of ACCA. He has an extensive background in investigations having served as a Detective in the South Australia Police, finishing his police career as a Chief Superintendent. In the course of his career, he received special mentions and an honourable mention for his investigative ability. His policing career was extensive and varied including: Mick Symons has the experience and dedication to provide you with personal service. He understands your needs and is readily available to assist. Mick Symons is the driving Force behind Anti Corruption Consultants Australia Mick Symons (far left on UN hosted anti-corruption panel in Sebia) has extensive experience in law enforcement and working with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in New South Wales.