Gail Dunn

My name is Gail Dunn, owner of Gemini Pet Care. The business only started in June 2020 but my passion for animals goes back much further. I live in the heart of Durham with my partner and 3 dogs. Two of the dogs are his and mine is a 6 year old miniature Schnauzer called Sybil. We love to take them on walks in the beautiful countryside that surrounds Durham. My other hobbies include Yoga, reading and cooking. There are already a number of pet care services in Durham so why did I decide to start another one? Even in a crowded market I think there is room for a new entrant if they offer something different or just do things in a more professional way. Some of the reasons why you might want to consider using my services include: I am fully insured for all the services I offer. Always ensure you only entrust the care of your loved pet to an insured person. I have a DBS security certificate. If you are trusting someone with a key to your property you want to know that they do not have a criminal record.