Seth McCormick

Job Titles:
  • Attorney
Seth McCormick protects consumers and small businesses from the monied interests of banks, lenders, debt collectors and other creditors. Seth uses the tools and laws afforded to consumers to stop these institutions in their tracks. As an experienced litigator, Seth believes there are meaningful solutions for his clients that provide for efficient resolution. Seth thrives on successfully solving these complex issues in a manner that is cost effective and risk mitigating. Seth especially enjoys serving his clients when banks, lenders and debt collectors have taken advantage of them. Using the consumer financial protection laws to turn the tables on these institutions allows Seth to obtain a meaningful recovery for his clients at no cost to the client, because these laws provide that a bank, lender or debt collector must pay his fees. Seth can help you if you are facing foreclosure or debt collection. He can also represent you if you are being harassed by creditors, if you have been taken advantage of by a company, if a company or creditor is unfairly making negative reports to credit reporting agencies, if a company has engaged in unfair or deceptive trade practices in your dealings with them. Seth spent the lion's share of his career representing banks and hedge funds in collecting money owed at all levels - from consumers and small businesses to other banks, publicly traded corporations and debts resulting from complex financial instruments such as CDOs. Over the course of those representations, he witnessed first-hand the perceived upper hand enjoyed by and predatory tactics employed by these monied institutions. In 2019, he experienced an epiphany of sorts and put the wheels in motion to found and launch the Great Lakes Consumer Law Firm, LLC. Through the Great Lakes Consumer Law Firm, LLC, Seth is committed to putting the law to work for consumers and small businesses. He will protect your interests and help you improve your financial future. If you are involved with a lender, a collection agency, a credit bureau or any other creditor, Seth McCormick can help. Seth represents people from all walks of life. He encourages you to contact him regardless of whether or not you think you can afford it. There are creative ways to structure payment, and it is possible that for certain claims he can represent you at no charge. Education South Texas College of Law Houston, Houston, Texas Juris Doctorate Texas A&M University B.A. is a strong advocate for consumers and small businesses in the Midwest facing legal challenges from financial institutions. Seth's previous experience litigating on behalf of creditors provides him with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of consumer law, including the myriad protections provided to entrepreneurs and consumers. Armed with this knowledge, Seth founded Great Lakes Consumer Law in 2019 to help people find resolutions to complex financial issues that mitigate both the cost and risk to his clients. Seth also excels in helping those facing foreclosure and victims of unfair or deceptive trade practices. Seth's experience representing hedge funds and banks has given him insight into collections practices at all levels, including publicly traded corporations or other complex financial issues. It was only a matter of time before Seth realized how these financial behemoths took advantage of everyday people, causing him to switch to "the other side" and help those who need it.