2023-10-05 delete otherexecutives Alexandra Harker
2023-10-05 delete otherexecutives George Urschel
2023-10-05 delete otherexecutives Jesse Doyle
2023-10-05 delete otherexecutives Shayna Reed
2023-10-05 delete president Terri Buzzel
2023-10-05 insert otherexecutives Bill Urschel
2023-10-05 insert otherexecutives Michael Durham
2023-10-05 insert otherexecutives Shayna Spalla
2023-10-05 insert president Jesse Doyle
2023-10-05 delete person George Urschel
2023-10-05 delete person Shayna Reed
2023-10-05 delete person Terri Buzzel
2023-10-05 insert person Bill Urschel
2023-10-05 insert person Michael Durham
2023-10-05 insert person Shayna Spalla
2023-10-05 update person_title Alexandra Harker: Member of the Board => Secretary
2023-10-05 update person_title Jesse Doyle: Member of the Board => President
2022-07-05 delete otherexecutives SeMone Epps
2022-07-05 insert otherexecutives George Urschel
2022-07-05 delete person SeMone Epps
2022-07-05 insert person George Urschel
2021-06-06 delete otherexecutives Tiffany Huber
2021-06-06 insert otherexecutives Alexandra Harker
2021-06-06 delete person Tiffany Huber
2021-06-06 insert person Alexandra Harker