David Gully

David Gully graduated from Clemson University with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1998. He began his career in the large-scale construction industry as an assistant project manager for Bovis Lend Lease, Inc. It was here that David realized how much waste could be recycled. He helped implement a recycling program on the job site where he was located. The opportunity to join the family custom home business brought David and his family back to the area where he has concentrated on building greener, more sustainable homes. After the birth of his daughter and through his multiple philanthropies, David took a special interest in protecting the future of our local environment. He remains dedicated to the community as evidenced by his involvement with Habitat for Humanity, Safe Kids Upstate, and the Home Builders Association (HBA). David is a past (2012) state president and four (4) time local president of the HBA.