TOWN OF CAMPO - Key Persons

George Petty

George Petty started a blacksmith shop in 1914. He received thirty cents for sharpening plowshares, one dollar for wagon wheels and fifty cents for shoeing horses.

Maxine Wheeler Jones

Maxine Wheeler Jones was the first baby born in Campo in 1913. This was also the year the first store was built by Frank Wheeler and Henry Weeks. The post office was then moved from the dugout to the back of their grocery store. The Davises built the second building in Campo. He had a Ford car and was going to take people wherever they needed to go but that didn't go over very well because most of the homesteaders didn't have very much money. Mr. Davis later built another building on the west side of the street and put in a pool hall. Then Ernest Weeks built a garage building so now Campo had four buildings.

Percy Miller

Percy Miller was Campo's first Mayor. He used a steam engine and plowed the main street.