BLACKBOARD - History of Changes

2023-03-20 delete otherexecutives Kathy Blueford-Daniels
2023-03-20 delete otherexecutives Sue Deigaard
2023-03-20 delete personal_emails
2023-03-20 delete personal_emails
2023-03-20 delete personal_emails
2023-03-20 delete president Elizabeth Santos
2023-03-20 delete vp Elizabeth Santos
2023-03-20 delete vp Kathy Blueford-Daniels
2023-03-20 delete person Alexis Licata
2023-03-20 delete person Jermaine Baines
2023-03-20 delete person Pamela Guillory
2023-03-20 delete person Rosamaria Martinez
2023-03-20 delete person Tan H. Nguyen
2023-03-20 delete person Yesenia Taylor
2023-03-20 insert person August Hamilton
2023-03-20 update person_description Dr. Rick Cruz => Dr. Rick Cruz
2023-03-20 update person_title Dr. Rick Cruz: Deputy Superintendent of Houston ISD => Deputy Superintendent of the Houston Independent School District; Deputy Superintendent
2023-03-20 update person_title Elizabeth Santos: First Vice President; President => Assistant Secretary
2023-03-20 update person_title Kathy Blueford-Daniels: First Vice President; Second Vice President => Assistant Secretary
2023-03-20 update person_title Sue Deigaard: Secretary; Second Vice President => Superintendent Search
2022-08-26 insert personal_emails
2022-08-26 delete person Adriana Salinas
2022-08-26 delete person Norma Riojas-Trejo
2022-08-26 insert person Pamela Guillory
2022-07-27 delete cco Rebecca Suárez
2022-07-27 delete chro Julia Dimmitt
2022-07-27 delete otherexecutives Daniela "Dani" Hernandez
2022-07-27 delete otherexecutives Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
2022-07-27 delete otherexecutives Judith Cruz
2022-07-27 delete personal_emails
2022-07-27 delete personal_emails
2022-07-27 delete personal_emails
2022-07-27 delete personal_emails
2022-07-27 delete personal_emails
2022-07-27 delete president Diana Dávila
2022-07-27 delete president Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
2022-07-27 delete vp Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
2022-07-27 delete vp Judith Cruz
2022-07-27 delete vp Wanda Adams
2022-07-27 insert coo Wanda Paul
2022-07-27 insert otherexecutives Jeremy Grant-Skinner
2022-07-27 insert otherexecutives Sue Deigaard
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert personal_emails
2022-07-27 insert president Elizabeth Santos
2022-07-27 insert president Judith Cruz
2022-07-27 insert vp Elizabeth Santos
2022-07-27 insert vp Kathy Blueford-Daniels
2022-07-27 delete person Alishia Jolivette
2022-07-27 delete person Daniela "Dani" Hernandez
2022-07-27 delete person Diana Dávila
2022-07-27 delete person Dr. Sergio Lira
2022-07-27 delete person Eugene Salazar
2022-07-27 delete person Grenita Lathan
2022-07-27 delete person Holly Maria Flynn Vilaseca
2022-07-27 delete person James McSwain
2022-07-27 delete person Jennifer L. Cortez
2022-07-27 delete person Julia Dimmitt
2022-07-27 delete person Kenneth Davis
2022-07-27 delete person Kenneth Huewitt
2022-07-27 delete person Melissa Lopez
2022-07-27 delete person Nicole Moore
2022-07-27 delete person Perez Miranda
2022-07-27 delete person Rebecca Suárez
2022-07-27 delete person Silvia Saenz Trinh
2022-07-27 delete person Staci Taylor
2022-07-27 delete person Wanda Adams
2022-07-27 delete person Yolanda Rodríguez
2022-07-27 insert person Denise Watts
2022-07-27 insert person Jeremy Grant-Skinner
2022-07-27 insert person Khalilah Campbell-Rhone
2022-07-27 insert person Max Moll
2022-07-27 insert person Millard House II
2022-07-27 insert person Rosamaria Martinez
2022-07-27 insert person Tan H. Nguyen
2022-07-27 insert person Wanda Paul
2022-07-27 update person_description Rick Cruz => Dr. Rick Cruz
2022-07-27 update person_title Cesar Martinez: Area Superintendent Northwest Area; Area Superintendent Northwest => Assistant Superintendent Middle Schools Office
2022-07-27 update person_title Dr. Rick Cruz: Founder of the Successful EMERGE; Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer; HISD 's Officer => Deputy Superintendent of Houston ISD
2022-07-27 update person_title Elizabeth Santos: Assistant Secretary => First Vice President; President
2022-07-27 update person_title Geovanny Ponce: Area Superintendent East Area; Area Superintendent East => Assistant Superintendent High Schools Office
2022-07-27 update person_title Judith Cruz: First Vice President; Member of the Audit Committee; Second Vice President => President
2022-07-27 update person_title Kathy Blueford-Daniels: Secretary; Second Vice President => First Vice President; Second Vice President
2022-07-27 update person_title Sue Deigaard: Superintendent Search => Secretary; Second Vice President
2021-04-27 insert personal_emails
2021-04-27 delete person Espinosa Vega
2021-02-08 delete otherexecutives Patricia K. Allen
2021-02-08 delete personal_emails
2021-02-08 delete president Sue Deigaard
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert personal_emails
2021-02-08 insert president Patricia K. Allen
2021-02-08 insert person Alishia Jolivette
2021-02-08 insert person Espinosa Vega
2021-02-08 insert person Garcia Fierro
2021-02-08 insert person Hernandez Velia
2021-02-08 insert person Perez Miranda
2021-02-08 update person_title Patricia K. Allen: Secretary; Second Vice President => President
2021-02-08 update person_title Sue Deigaard: President => Superintendent Search
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete personal_emails
2020-10-16 insert personal_emails
2020-10-16 delete person Iva Scherer
2020-10-16 insert person Jermaine Baines
2020-07-11 insert person Kenneth Davis
2020-06-07 delete coo Brian Busby
2020-06-07 delete person Brian Busby
2020-06-07 insert person Eugene Salazar
2020-02-28 delete cfo Rene Barajas
2020-02-28 delete otherexecutives Elizabeth Santos
2020-02-28 delete personal_emails
2020-02-28 insert otherexecutives Glenn Reed
2020-02-28 insert otherexecutives Judith Cruz
2020-02-28 insert otherexecutives Patricia K. Allen
2020-02-28 insert personal_emails
2020-02-28 insert personal_emails
2020-02-28 insert president Sue Deigaard
2020-02-28 insert vp Judith Cruz
2020-02-28 delete person Rene Barajas
2020-02-28 insert person Daniela "Dani" Hernandez
2020-02-28 insert person Glenn Reed
2020-02-28 insert person Judith Cruz
2020-02-28 insert person Patricia K. Allen
2020-02-28 update person_title Elizabeth Santos: Second Vice President => Assistant Secretary
2020-02-28 update person_title Sue Deigaard: Assistant Secretary => President
2019-12-21 insert person Staci Taylor
2019-12-21 update person_title Yolanda Rodríguez: Area Superintendent North; Area Superintendent North Area => Interim Chief Academic Officer
2019-09-27 delete otherexecutives Ann Best Scott
2019-09-27 delete person Ann Best Scott
2019-09-27 delete person Ashlea Turner
2019-09-27 delete person Noelia Longoria
2019-09-27 insert person Cesar Martinez