PACYCLING - Key Persons

Amedeo Polito

Over the past 20 years, Amedeo's wheels have touched every continent. An experienced organizer of global cycling, he has been involved in developing Eroica South Africa and finding new routes with the invaluable support of his local friend Stan. Together they've toured all over South Africa and have charted several trips to the Karoo Desert.

Julian Bueno Risco

Job Titles:
  • Travel Logistic Coordinator & Guide
Julian Bueno is a geographer, photographer, traveler, digital-map-maker, bike lover and route & event designer. In this way, and as an active and passionate person, Julian has collaborated and published several spanish mountain bike guide books and he is an active member of the Spanish Mountain Bike School (EEMTB). He likes to share his passions and to discover new routes and friends, spending also time steering many people through different cycling destinations. Overall, he feels movement as part of his life and he used to participate in marathon, roller skates challenges and general long distance events. You can chat with him about life, GPS secrets and innovative cycling gadgets. Now, he is part of the Project Adventure Cycling.

Massimo Alfero

Job Titles:
  • Travel Logistic Coordinator & Guide
Massimo Alfero, bike lover in all of its forms, he‘s riding a bike since when he was born. From 1975 until the end of the 90s, he raced with road bike, cyclocross and mountain bike. In the early '90s he discovered the mountain bike stage races and ultramarathon participating in the Iron Bike, Transalp, Rally du Kenya, Tunisia Marathon and the first Randonees like the Paris Brest Paris. Then was the cyclotourism time, with solo travel in Europe, South America, Central Amerca and Africa. In 2005 he joined with Willy Mulonia and has collaborated actively in the creation of the travel agency Progetto Avventura, which has now become Project Adventure Cycling. He is our "African heart." From his desire to show Africa to our client we create the Ethiopia Wild Bike.

Roberto Gazzoli

Job Titles:
  • Travel Logistic Coordinator & Guide
Lover of cyclotourism since the late 90s, over the years has always tried to move a little more further the limits of his biking adventures. After several solo bike tour including Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica and Iceland, in 2006, he came in contact with Project Adventure Cycling, former Progetto Avventura, participating in the Atacama Desert and Mongolia bike tour. Passionate about winter ultramarathon and endurance, he has participated in several editions of the Iditarod Trail Invitational in Alaska. In 2017 he raced the Tour Divide, 4.500 km from Canada to Mexico on a singlespeed. Since 2009, he joined the Project Adventure Cycling taking care of various aspect of the Travel Agency. It deals with the creation, management and guiding of bike tour, in addition to maintain relationships with customers. Much of the information that you will receive will have his signature.

Willy Mulonia - Founder, President

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • President
  • Expert
Willy Mulonia, expert lonely traveler and cyclist for more than 30 years. He made several solo expeditions, but the most important is without a doubt the 28,640 bike trip from Ushuaia (Patagonia) to Prudhoe Bay (Alaska). He raced in the Crocodile Trophy (Australia) in '98 and the famous Iditarod Trail Invitational (ITI) in Alaska in 1999, 2000, 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2022 as well as many other mountain bike stage races all over the world. In 2003 he founded the bike travel agency Progetto Avventura, now renamed Project Adventure Cycling. In 2010, with the help of all the team of PA-Cycling he created the Mongolia Bike Challenge, one of the most important MTB stage race in the world. Today you can find him guiding most the tour offered by Project Adventure Cycling.