BROADWIND - History of Changes

2022-04-02 delete cfo Jason Bonfigt
2022-04-02 delete treasurer Jason Bonfigt
2022-04-02 delete person Jason Bonfigt
2022-04-02 delete person Terence P. Fox
2022-04-02 insert person Thomas Ciccone
2021-08-20 delete vp Jason Bonfigt
2021-08-20 insert person Hayes Kennedy
2021-08-20 update person_title Jason Bonfigt: Vice President; Treasurer; Chief Financial Officer => Treasurer; Chief Financial Officer; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Broadwind, Inc.
2021-08-20 update person_title Wayne Hanna: President of Brad Foote Gearing, Inc => President of Brad Foote Gear Works, Inc