Updated 911 days ago
3111 W. State St., Boise, Idaho 83703
Wallpaper is BACK! Are you ready to give your home a facelift? Design Source 101 is your serendipity specialist offering wallpaper sales & installation in Boise, Idaho and the surrounding area. We work with homeowners in everything from the full remodels, partial renovations, or just to freshen up a bathroom or focal wall. We work with builders to provide superior customer service to buyers and prospective home owners... I live in the most beautiful place. I love my life. I love what I do. No matter where you are, I can be a resource for you. Here at Design Source 101 we streamline the process of adding serendipity to your home while making it easy and fun to select & install wallpaper.''... At Design Source 101 we offer wallpaper workshops designed to help you select your wallpaper & learn to install yourself. We are all about adding bling to your home's interior! Samples can also be mailed directly to your doorstep so you can take the time to ponder your choices in the convenience..
Also known as: Design Source 101 Boutique