GEMMAWAY - Key Persons

Shanklin High

THE ISLE OF WIGHT, world famous amongst yachtsmen, is a beautiful island with a wealth of lovely countryside, sandy beaches and a spectacular coastline. Many of the villages are full of Old World charm, and there are numerous places of interest to visit. The Island's climate is also generally milder than the rest of England. Our hotel is in SHANKLIN, one of the island's premier resorts. On Saturday, after a short ferry crossing, our tour begins at historic OSBORNE HOUSE, where Queen Victoria lived and spent much of her time after the death of her beloved Prince Albert. At Osborne, you will also find many personal belongings and mementoes of Victoria and her family. We then travel to the picturesque thatched village of GODSHILL, a great place to have afternoon tea. Afterwards, we check into our hotel in SHANKLIN, where you can explore, take a stroll on the beach, or swim in the hotel's pool.