GRATTONI1892 - Key Persons

Andrea Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Designer
  • Business Development and Chief Designer

Anna Maria Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Creator of the G.B. Grattoni Project
Dreaming woman, creator of connections in daily life. She loves design, craftsmanship and the passion that makes the world go around. She believes in the future and in the capabilities of the new generations.

Assunta Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Administration and Customer Relations
Determined and strong, forceful, that never stops. Full of true values received from the Grattoni's family, bears the name head-on. She puts her heart in the company, as in everything she does.

Barbara Macorigh

Job Titles:
  • Administration
An integral part of the team, it takes care of the administrative part, enriching the company with her cultural background.

Elena del Gobbo

Job Titles:
  • Logistics
30 year of experience in the logistic field, she works with enthusiasm and confidence, believing firmly in what she does and in herself.

Francesco Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Designer Junior
Young but full of talent, she delights in the design of new and innovative objects.

G.B. Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Search
These products designed by Grattoni1892 are tailor-made and unique. It was designed lower to make you feel like you're on holiday even when you're at the table. It can be customized according to customer preferences. You can choose the type of the wood, the dimentions, the shape of the base and the finish, and that's it. They are all handmade by our skilled artisans who are able to enhance the grain and the natural characteristics of the wood. "Never the same as the other": it is from this concept that Grattoni1892 products are born.

Gessica Borsatti

Job Titles:
  • Architect
She graduated in Architecture from UNITS University, she has an authentic passion for design. Plans every kind of space with her personal touch rich of creativity.

Liana Degano

Job Titles:
  • Designer
She graduated in Industrial Design from IUAV University in Venice. Designer capable of recommending the use of colour and furniture in various spaces.

Nora Grattoni

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Specialist / Specialist in Social Media Content, She Takes Care of the Company Profile on Facebook and Instagram
Specialist in social media content, she takes care of the company profile on Facebook and Instagram.

Paola Pettoello

Job Titles:
  • Designer, Responsible for the Grattoni1892 Production Line
  • Designer, Responsible for the Production Line