Amanda Jones

Amanda is a Health Professional with over 30 years' experience as a Registered Nurse, Vocational Trainer and Assessor, Manager, Massage, Meditation and Reiki Therapist. Amanda specializes in intuitive therapies with a focus on the overall wholistic wellbeing of her clients and students. A strong believer in the power of connection, communication, mindfulness and positive thinking, Amanda is regularly involved in opportunities to support her local community. She is passionate about learning from others, has a growth mindset and how this can be shared to support, mentor and inspire others. Amanda enjoys sunsets and sunrises, swimming and walking along the local beaches, Yoga, meditation, and connection with family and friends.

Karen Sawtell

Job Titles:
  • Advanced Brain Body Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Counsellor, Remedial Massage and Beauty Therapist and Reiki Master

Melissa Omar

Job Titles:
  • Principal