ITLG - Key Persons

Eduardo Cardinali - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
As a businessman and entrepreneur, Eduardo is an enthusiast of all things related to technology and innovation. He´s a partner of ITLG Argentina, USA, Canada and Chile, and HMM Global. Eduardo has over 17 years of experience in digital transformation processes and as a methodological advisor. In 2016, he began to focus on strategic communication and planning, as well as global positioning of companies in the field of IT. Eduardo has been part of ITLG since 2014, holding different strategic positions. In his current role as CEO, he´s in charge of supporting organised, sustainable, and organic business growth by helping to maintain company focus on the short, medium, and long-term vision, as well as structure and team capacity to reach the desired goals. He aims to ensure that clients are satisfied and collaborators are content, as well as to promote business expansion into new markets. Throughout his career in tech companies, Eduardo has advocated for the adoption of dynamic methodological strategies and the empowerment of work teams. He is ever curious, passionate, and an entrepreneur at heart.

Florencia Ceccón

Job Titles:
  • HR Manager
Florencia joined ITLG in 2018. As HR Manager, she's the head of the People team and makes sure all ITLG collaborators in Argentina, Chile, Canada, and the US are satisfied and content. She's a Human Resources professional and a very skilled conversationalist with more than 5 years of experience in the field of IT. Florencia champions the work-life balance mindset. She firmly believes that people can reach their full potential in a healthy and collaborative work environment that allows them to balance their personal life with work. Throughout her career, she has created new ways of working, transforming processes and methodologies for teams in countries such as Peru, Italy, Spain, El Salvador, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, the US, and Canada. She contributes to the entrepreneur ecosystem as part of the Córdoba Technology Cluster HR Commission.

Juan Manuel Prado - CCO

Job Titles:
  • CCO
As a Commercial Director, his main role in ITLG is driving sustainable growth in the company, strengthening business relations with our clients, and ensuring the quality of the services provided. He makes sure that the quality of the services provided by the ITLG teams continually responds to what our clients need.

Luis María Costantini - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Luis founded ITLG in 2009 and has been the Chief Executive Officer ever since. Leveraging on his wide experience and trajectory in the field of IT, he's in charge of making strategic company decisions to ensure that partners, collaborators, and clients are content and satisfied. Luis is a businessman and entrepreneur, founder of Enorbitas Studios, ESG Global US, ITLG Argentina, USA, Canada and Chile, and HMM GLOBAL. He currently represents ITLG in the US as Operations Manager in an effort to expand the

Mariano Pivatto

Job Titles:
  • Enterprise Solution Designer
Mariano has been part of ITLG since the company's initial steps. Ever since, he has made significant contributions by implementing high-scalability and reutilization systems, known for their robustness, availability, security, and integration capacity. He´s primarily involved in process modernization and the digital transformation of the