SENSONIC - Key Persons

Amogh Shurpali

Job Titles:
  • Customer Success Director - Vienna, Austria
Hi! I'm Amogh. I am responsible for offers to clients and project delivery. Until recently I was a product manager at Sensonic, responsible for both product developments in line with the needs of railway customers and their prioritisation. I have a good knowledge base in the railway track domain and significant experience delivering railway projects too. I've been at Sensonic for over 2 years and travel regularly to support our customers and sales teams from our Vienna office where I'm based.

Ashish Jain - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer ( CTO ), CEO Office - USA
Hello, I am Ashish, the Chief Technology Officer at Sensonic. I'm based near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I joined Sensonic as a product manager, just over a year ago transitioning from an Engineering Manager role at Frauscher - where I also spent an internship in 2017 - So that's 3 times I've joined a Frauscher company! I've recently been appointed as Chief Technology Officer (CTO), where I will be helping to set and achieve the business strategy and develop organisation structures and processes, as well as coordinate with R&D building on my previous product management role.

Christoph Wiesmeyr

Job Titles:
  • Head of Research and Development - Vienna
I'm Christoph and I head up R&D at Sensonic. I'm based in Vienna, Austria and my background is in algorithm development and working with Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the railway domain, our core technology. I started at Sensonic as a data scientist with several years of experience with Python and Matlab. I now manage our projects with industry partners and I'm responsible for coordinating and leading development activities including our technology roadmap. Outside of work, I'm an enthusiastic road and mountain bike rider.

Deep Desai

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director - India
I'm Deep, based in Dubai with roots in India, Deep holds a B.Eng in Electronics and Communications and an MSc in Telecoms and Networks from London. Since launching his career in the UK in 2012 at a DAS-focused deep-tech startup, he's climbed the ranks from Field Engineer at Frauscher Group in 2016 to now MD of Sensonic India, even spearheading global sales as CCO. Beyond this, Deep consults for startups and is an active angel investor. Amidst raising two kids, I find time for workouts, breathing exercises, and PS5 gaming. Naturally, I'm a passionate cricket and Liverpool FC fan.

Gavin Lancaster

Job Titles:
  • Product Owner - Scharding, Austria
I'm Gavin. My current role is researching, defining, organising, and prioritising technical work packages for two development teams, Track Condition Monitoring and Train Tracking. This involves significant alignment with many other departments. I am responsible for delivering easily interpretable vibrational information related to railway track infrastructure for one team, and reliable and precise train location for the other to enable the supply of useful insights to our customers. I have been with Sensonic for over 5 years and have achieved my Certified Scrum Product Owner and Certified Scrum Master whilst working here. My key technical skill areas are physics, optics, Distributed Acoustic Sensing and Signal Processing, all helped by a healthy dose of pragmatism. My free time is usually occupied by my family and 3 children, golf, DIY and even turning my hand to repairing broken electrical appliances too. Despite moving to Austria in 2001, I still retain my Scottish accent.

Johannes Noebauer

Job Titles:
  • Chief Information Officer - Scharding, Austria
Hi, I am Johannes, and I am CIO for Sensonic. I am passionate about technology and my personal and professional interests align in the areas of cloud infrastructure, IoT, data science, machine learning and digital twins. Outside work, I get my buzz from flying sailplanes (gliding), mountain biking, mountaineering and ski touring. I have been with Sensonic for 3 years and my roles and responsibilities include leading the ICS Team, Internal IT Systems, Product Security, Development of our DataHub, ISO Certification, Process Optimization and supporting the organisation in terms of technology and digitalisation. My goal is to help our customers maximize their efficiency, reduce costs, and grow faster by using cloud technology to enable a digital transformation.

Karina Nöhammer

Job Titles:
  • Team Lead Data Engineering - Scharding, Austria
Hi I'm Karina. I am building up the data engineering team at Sensonic. I've been with Sensonic for over 5 years now. I'm a generalist rather than a specialist with a good understanding of data science, AI, software engineering and hardware too. In my role it is important to understand the developments in our products but also how these relate to operations. My role involves gathering and implementing requirements around data used within our company. This includes creating an overview of what data we have available, making the data easily accessible for those who need it and defining standards in our company around data. Data is the lifeblood of our business. In the non-digital world, I spend my time cooking, reading, and the small job of building a house!

Kavya Kerala Kumaran

Job Titles:
  • Customer Success Specialist - India
As a Customer Success Specialist, I focus on Track condition Monitoring using Fiber Optic Sensing technology. I'm responsible for the feasibility analysis of new projects, the technical overview of ongoing assignments and the delivery of monitoring solutions to our customers. After completing my M.Tech in Optoelectronics and Communication I spent over 6 years working in fiber optic sensing before I joined Sensonic in 2022. At the end of the workday when the computer gets turned off, I enjoy spending my free time outside gardening. Linkedin Profile

Lindsay McInnes

Job Titles:
  • Team Lead Product Management - Farnborough, UK
I am Lindsay, and I lead the product management team at Sensonic. I've been with Sensonic for over 5 years and have accumulated nearly 15 years of experience in Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) - the technology that provides the insights delivered by Sensonic to railways. I have field experience across India, the US, and Europe and have experience in data analysis and algorithm development. This broad base of domain knowledge combined with a Physics degree gives me the skills needed for a Product Management Role at Sensonic. Describing an average day in my role is challenging, as each day is different! I collaborate with a diverse array of individuals spanning the entire company, steering product development based on customer and market feedback. In my spare time, I enjoy cycling, running, and practicing yoga. I am also a Brownie leader, guiding young girl guides, and we enjoy activities such as creating fires, cooking and water sports, among other things.

Shawn Phillips

Job Titles:
  • Chief Administration Officer
Hi I'm Shawn, as UK Managing Director with a legal background, I bring a unique combination of skills to the table. My legal expertise gives me an upper hand in navigating the complex landscape of business, enabling me to make informed and impactful decisions that drive growth and success. I possess the ability to turn legal jargon into actionable business plans and obstacles into opportunities. And if all else fails, I can always row my way out of a tricky situation (just kidding, I only row for fun and fitness). My experience as a Managing Director in a technology startup has further honed my strategic mindset and leadership skills, and as a bonus, I also have a knack for getting lost in new cities (a byproduct of my love for travel). Oh, and as a proud South African, I've traded in my Braai skills for a love of Fish and Chips, having fully adopted the UK as my new home.

Tim Komin

Job Titles:
  • Client Relations Manager - Paris, France
Hello, I am Tim Komin. I am responsible for customer relations and customer success in my regions (Francosphere, Benelux, Nordics, Baltics, Sub-Saharan Africa). I have been with Sensonic for 4 years. My background and skills in international business development, networking, solution selling and building partnerships help me to achieve success in the exploitation of fiber optic sensing with our key customers. I am involved from the first phases of an opportunity through to project delivery, so I work with cross functional and international teams to ensure we deliver the results our clients need. I also spend time prospecting for new opportunities as well as managing existing customer relationships where my knowledge of multiple languages assists greatly. I enjoy both literature and art when I am not bringing digital transformations to national railways.

Xiaoyu Tan

Job Titles:
  • Product Manager - Farnborough, UK.
Hi, I am Xiaoyu. I am a product manager at Sensonic who I've been working with for over 6 years. I originally joined as a project engineer in Frauscher Beijing. As a product manager at Sensonic, my responsibilities include safeguarding the accuracy of technical proposals for customers, collaborating with R&D to shape work packages and task priorities, and gathering essential requirements for upcoming product features. Beyond work, I find joy in exploring Manga and expressing my creativity through drawing.