STRIPPS - Key Persons

Jamie Richards - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technical Officer
  • Member of the Leadership Team
"Anything is possible" is Jamie's standard response to any of our wild ideas. Absolutely none of this would be possible without Jamie's extensive coding knowledge. Stripps is Jamie's baby and was built to make Jamie and his teams life easier when trying to launch multiple websites for multiple clients back in Stripps previous incarnation as a web development agency. Jamie is responsible for ensuring every line of code is where it should be, and fixing it immediately when it's somewhere it shouldn't be.

Jed Chamberlain - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Member of the Leadership Team
Jed is our numbers man. The person responsible for making sure all the bills are paid and that we always have enough funding in place to launch the next phase of Stripps. His spreadsheets are something to behold (if thats your bag!), and his tales of his various adventures whilst in the middle east running a multi-million dollar deep sea engineering company never get boring (honestly!).

Martin Spencer - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Member of the Leadership Team
Martin is that guy that always has "another great idea"... every now and then one of them actually are. He then goes to Jamie Richards to ask if its possible and then onto Jed Chamberlain to ask if we can afford it... Martin has a tendency to use 15 words when just 5 will do, which is ironic considering his frustration with anything inefficient and his desire to make EVERYTHING simpler..