TRIAD MATH - Key Persons

Debbie Goodman

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Debbie has worked with math educators and curriculum for over 20 years, and witnessed hundreds of customers realize why Triad Math's programs are #vastlysuperior to the standard math curriculum taught today.

Dr. Craig Hane

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Dr. Craig Hane holds a Ph.D. in Algebraic Number Theory from Indiana University. With over 50 years of experience in math education, Dr. Hane has gained a full understanding of how and why our current math curriculum is failing all of our students.

Sarah Haag

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
With a background in marketing and economics, Sarah is working to make our programs accessible for any person seeking effective math education. "I wanted to work with Triad Math after realizing how revolutionary this program can be for anyone seeking effective math education."