David Wellman - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Director
  • Founder
David Wellman is the CEO and founder of Wellman Strata. His leadership is more than a role; it's a commitment to advancing thriving communities in both residential and commercial spaces as well as the strata industry itself. Throughout his career, David has achieved significant milestones, demonstrating a track record of excellence in the industry. Whether it's implementing innovative property management strategies, spearheading successful community engagement initiatives, or navigating complex regulatory landscapes, David's leadership has consistently driven positive results. David's passion is evident in his mission - property and people. He is driven to support communities that are tailored to their surroundings. It's not just about managing properties; it's about understanding the distinctive character of each scheme and ensuring it aligns with the people it serves. David's enthusiasm for the technical aspects of his work is tempered with a keen eye for practical solutions. The balance between technical intricacies and real-world applications presents both challenges and rewards, making his role both stimulating and fulfilling.

Nina Howell

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Leadership Team
  • Head of Strata Services
Nina Howell brings more than 25 years of distinguished experience as a strata managing agent, earning widespread recognition and establishing herself as a leader in the strata industry.

Noel Chung - COO

Job Titles:
  • COO
Noel Chung, a former tax accountant turned Chief Operating Officer (COO), is a dynamic professional renowned for her expertise in optimizing organisational processes within the Strata Management industry. With a strategic focus on innovation and technology, she has consistently elevated client relationships through her insightful leadership.