Jay M Griggs

Job Titles:
A Senior Developer in Detroit, Michigan, Jay works directly with some of the world's best artisans to bring the world it's finest code and solutions. After heading up large projects with Microsoft, Delmonte,, and others he decided to start offering the world High Resolution websites. He provides a critical link between the international artisans and our amazing clients. He also ensures that projects are always at the cutting edge of modern design. From sourcing the best developers, the best graphic designers, He ensures that exceptional solutions are properly integrated throughout the process. True to his Detroit roots, He is passionate about combining modern style without losing sight of historical timeless elegance and design.

Jeffrey Jenkins

Job Titles:
Originally from Boston, Jeff has been in metro Detroit since 2011. He defines and develops project management best practices and policy to ensure alignment with your strategy and goals. He ensures that effective project management governance, procedures, tools and financial controls are established and maintained. He leads initiatives to partner with internal teams to plan, scope, and manage for highest quality client experience and results; monitor all project processes and operations for time and resource efficiencies, cost management, and process improvement opportunities. He builds strong working relationships across organizations and geographies.

Marshall Forris

Job Titles:
Marshall is originally from the suburbs of Detroit. After studying at the Sapienza University of Rome and traveling in Asia for 7 years he returned back to Detroit. He leads a diverse design team through development, launch, and management and is responsible for all design related activities, including strategy, interaction design, and visual design. He is both pragmatic and visionary, capable of translating business needs and requirements into customer-focused solutions.