PHIL - Key Persons

Amélie Côté

Job Titles:
  • Art Director
  • Art Director, She / Her
Personable, clever, and funny, Amélie leads our design team, bringing her strong enthusiasm to each design she collaborates on. Thanks to her versatility and love of different mediums, she has developed an expertise in branding, layout, design, packaging, and photo retouching. She has been improving her animation skills and gaining a detailed understanding of the complexities (and creative opportunities) of direct mail marketing. Amélie finds so much joy in weaving different team members' ideas into the finished product, because working as a team elevates her energy tenfold. What motivates Amélie to tackle each project is the knowledge that successful design can take an organisation further than imaginable. And, with over 16 years of professional experience in design, she has no problem finding and adapting to new artistic techniques to make the final product both creative and current. She contributes to the overall success of each project by planting ideas like seeds and tending to them until they blossom. Amélie decided to dive in deep and delve into the unique possibilities of what graphic design could achieve for social causes. Amélie hopes the future will see more women being celebrated for their contributions to a sustainable society. When she's not pondering worldwide solutions, she enjoys working with her hands to up-cycle materials and make arts and crafts.

Aurelia Talvela

Job Titles:
  • Strategic Advisor
  • Strategic Advisor, She / Her
Aurelia is a multilingual communicator with mad skills. Much the global thinker, she loves researching and planning to complete the puzzle and guide clients toward their mission and goals. She stays on top of current industry trends, knowledge, and best practices, all the while effectively communicating with clients to make traversing an increasingly competitive and fast-paced environment enjoyable. Indeed, Aurelia is ultra-efficient at drilling down through the layers of a project, always making sure that everyone involved feels supported. When she first came to Canada in 2016, it was the fifth country she had moved to in three years. Quite literally, Aurelia knows how to navigate an ever-changing landscape, and she does so with ardour and grace. An avid and curious learner, she finds endless fulfilment in applying her constantly-growing knowledge to come up with adaptive solutions for each client's situation. During her Master of Arts in Communication and Media Studies, she dove into research at Concordia University's Intersectionality Research Hub, an experience which showed her the importance of approaching social issues through the lens of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Aurelia's zeal for social justice and systemic change shines through on every project she pursues. With her bright smile, warm demeanour, and sharp eye for detail, Aurelia loves to make deep connections with clients, earning their complete trust to let her do her thing: surpass expectations while delivering clean, fruitful strategies. Having established B Local Quebec-a newly formed nonprofit which supports and connects certified local B Corps-she personally understands the unique challenges leaders face in the sector. It is her mission to empower those on the frontlines to know and fulfil their own greatness. At the end of the work day, Aurelia unwinds by getting down to earth, literally. She finds endless joy in being a plant mom, made clear by the fact her apartment is filled to the brim with happy, healthy plants. When she is not taking care of plants, she is eating them: Aurelia is a satisfied vegetarian.

Deborah Hinton

Job Titles:
  • Strategy
  • Team Elder & Master Strategist
She perfectly melds her instinctive strategic mindset with curiosity, connecting people and ideas to help her clients strengthen their communities and increase their impact. Her deepest desire is to foster sustainable change with clients. Having a wide-ranging career, she has worked for 30 plus years with teams of all kinds to help them elevate and achieve organisation's goals. For Deborah, there is no greater satisfaction than to see projects evolve into something beyond what her clients could even have imagined. She co-founded a community-driven interfaith project, CivitasX, that delivers meals to unhoused individuals and encourages mutual learning through person-to-person conversations. After becoming a Climate Reality Leader she volunteered as co-lead with a UK not-for-profit working to certify Climate Change Teachers. This experience sparked Deborah's present interest in finding ways for older generations to be allies to younger generations who are facing the consequences of the climate crisis. She has since been certified in Carbon Literacy. Deborah is committed to taking actions big and small in favour of people and the planet. Deborah is also a big fan of visiting contemporary art and photography collections. She is an impassioned cook and entertainer, and she occasionally ventures into the fields of architecture and urban planning, too.

Elissa Mrad

Job Titles:
  • Human Resources Lead
  • Human Resources Lead, She / Her
Elissa whole-heartedly enjoys empowering changemakers and nailing down solutions. With ease she stays focused on operations and HR pursuits, infusing heart into everything she does: she takes the human part in "human resources" seriously. The social sector is the perfect place for Elissa to be, because she knows how to emphatically show her love for others through her work, ultimately inspiring long-term, profound change. It is in Elissa's nature to listen to others with unwavering patience. Through her HR experience in advertising agencies and manufacturing, she has developed a keen sense of observation and has become even more curious about the intricacies of human behaviour. Having been fond of the concept of HR before she could even put a name to it, Elissa did not need to do much exploring before landing on her favourite profession. After completing a bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a focus on HR Management in Lebanon, she achieved a Master of Industrial Relations degree at Université de Montréal and hit the ground running, looking into all things human resources for Phil. Elissa is very interested in putting theories into practice at a B Corp and developing new internal policies and procedures that will grow the company's talent pipeline and improve operations. Outside of human resources, Elissa greatly enjoys volunteering for non-profits around the world. Music is essential for her to get through the day, and she enjoys musicians like Efisio Cross and Vivaldi to help keep her motivated and grounded.

George Lahdo

Job Titles:
  • Bookkeeper
George is Phil's numbers man. Hailing from Concordia's John Molson School of Business, by way of Aleppo, this quiet mastermind is already coming up with ideas on how to make Phil's books an accountant's dreams. The only member of the Phil team that admits to loving both Canadian winters and the intricacies of financial projections, George brings his accounting skills and positive outlook on life to work each day. Starting a grassroots student organization to help meet the basic needs of children affected by the Syrian war shaped George's view of community. He now knows that every action counts - no matter how small. Don't be surprised if you see George riding a Bixi to the office during the summer. It was just three years ago that he took his first ride on two wheels. He is always looking for opportunities to continue his learning - whether it is the latest accounting software or current taxation regulations, George is eager to set the bar higher for himself.

Jean-François Perrault

Job Titles:
  • Account Director
  • Account Director, He / Him
Jean-François reliably and robustly supports clients in fruitful strategic development that ensures expectations are exceeded every time. He aims to build strong bonds of trust with each client he works with, guiding them through brainstorming sessions and project preparation meetings, having fun along the way. Jean-François has a unique ability to inspire excellence among the Phil team, ensuring our services soar. Above all, he expertly guides clients with the best approach to have your organisation's message be not only received, but remembered. Naturally creative and curious, Jean-François, also known as "JF," discovered strategic communications to be the perfect avenue for storytelling and action through media. He spent 30 plus years in communications, working with Make-A-Wish Canada for seven years, developing and managing their content to further the foundation's values and mission. With his background in communications, he has learned to think of account management like a road trip, with the meeting point being the crucial beginning, ensuring no one is left behind. Building on this logic, he ventured to absorb the importance of diverse, international community-building when living in Northern Ireland, where he assisted in teaching high school French. Also crucial to his story, his fundraising and organising experience gained traction when his three kids were in elementary school and he became involved as a parent. As much as he is passionate about crafting compelling, strategic communications, he loves to spend time running and enjoying nature. He treasures running because the minute his feet hit the ground he feels freedom, and he delights in pushing his limits.

Julie Malnasi

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
  • Project Manager, She / Her / They / Them
With a highly organized, empathy-driven mindset, Julie is beyond pleased to work with teams to organise, plan, and see projects succeed. She makes sure the most effective processes are closely followed and unforeseen issues do not mess with the client's endgame. As project manager, Julie knows how to harness the team's collective assets and keep things on track with perseverance and adaptability. Julie earned a Bachelor's in Psychology from Concordia University, allowing her to explore a profound interest in the way people behave in society. After studying the intricacies of the human mind, she got her hands dirty working for a startup travel business, showcasing her familiarity with overcoming the challenges of foundation-level building. Her experience as project manager at a social impact agency provided Julie unique insight into making projects accessible so any member of the team would be able to contribute if needed. Julie knows that intention and impact are two different creatures. Her emotional intelligence allows her to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and manage emotions in positive ways. Julie spent nearly two years travelling, stopping in Thailand, discovering Europe, and even exploring the US and Mexico in a Dodge campervan. Staying put for now in Montreal, Julie and her dog Maya like to hike up Mount Royal at least twice a day. With her love for nature, these hikes help clear her mind and get her geared up. She's also an active environmentalist; Julie is committed to practicing veganism, low-waste habits, and conscious shopping choices. As an introvert, she gets energy from alone time spent reading, cooking, video-gaming, and listening to music. At the same time, she's quite sociable with her ability to communicate across borders given her fluency in English, French, and Spanish. Now, when confronted with an obstacle, Julie turns to Joshua J. Marine's quote, "challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Katherine Lacefield

Job Titles:
  • Fundraising & Communications

Kim Fuller - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Founder & CEO, She / Her
With over 25 years of experience as a key player working with local, national, and international charities in marketing and fundraising, Kim is a force to reckon with. She boils down complicated strategies and issues to make them bite-sized and simple, making each step towards progress a lot easier than often anticipated. As she leads her B corporation to thrive, she radiates her intrinsic values of equity, collaboration, and determination, never settling for less. To do this, Kim mobilizes her creativity and wit to reach and surpass collective goals. Raised by two entrepreneurs in the advertising industry, Kim had known from a young age she wanted to follow suit in some capacity. It was while working with charities as a freelance graphic designer that the social sector issued a clarion call: take action to improve the impact of organizations. When she founded Phil she was a sponge, soaking up every learning opportunity thrown at her. And, while the first three years of entrepreneurship were the most difficult, her own fiery curiosity fueled her desire to build a company that changes people's lives. She often says her biggest inspiration is Phil's clients, who manage to persevere in the face of what seem like insurmountable obstacles. Today, Kim is busy leading a team of dedicated professionals who provide the holistic solution for all social sector organisation needs. Cayenne, the Mira dog she fostered with her family, has helped Kim reach the perfect balance of spending time in nature-taking the friendly canine on long walks-and assiduously organising Phil's pursuits. Kim was awarded the Artistri Sud Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2018 and is a recipient of the Governor General of Canada's Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers. Her volunteer work includes: Board of Governors, Concordia University Past president of the Board of Directors, Concordia University Alumni Association Giving Tuesday Civic Group founder for Quebec Co-Leader for the Women B-Corp CEO community in Canada Coralus (She-EO) activator Facilitator for the Advisory committee on the charitable sector Judge, JMSB International Case Competition Author of articles for Gift Planners In Canada (Hillborn) and AFP Canada Speaker for Imagine Canada, McGill University, Concordia University, Université de Montréal, HEC, MARCOM, Association des professionnels en gestion philanthropique (APGP), CAGP, AFP and workshops/webinars in association with CanadaHelps. Volunteer for many organizations including the Mira Foundation and CivitasX. Kim is an undeniable inspirational quote lover, and she is a champion of the words quoted from James Gordon, "be better today than you were yesterday."

M.J. Plebon

Job Titles:
  • SEO & Social Media

Nicolas Taylor

Job Titles:
  • Admin
  • IT Coordinator
  • Web Development and IT Support, He / Him
Sharp, organised, and innovative, Nicolas handles all things web development and IT support, always tending carefully to the details that elevate websites' functionality. Web development is his specialty, and he reliably and efficiently performs at a high standard: he is a master at wireframing and rendering web pages, adding multimedia, and ensuring websites are stable. Much the analytical thinker, Nicolas loves to problem-solve, especially when finding the solution is tricky: Fixing what's broken is his forte. Nicolas never shies away from an opportunity to collect new information and tackle even more difficult problems. Nicolas' excellence shines especially when he's among a team that shares his values of hard work and critical thinking. Capitalising on this ability, he has worked for Phil for 6 years, developing deep knowledge on how to program websites, creating a smoother user experience. As part of the Canadian Armed Forces, Nicolas received formal training in information technology and communication systems lending to his position as an Army Communications Information Systems Specialist. In this role, he worked primarily with radios learning the importance of clear and concise communication. Web development is ultimately what he loves, and he navigates the world wide web with ease and patience, meticulously breaking down complex challenges into manageable pieces. On the weekends Nicolas loves playing leisurely sports games outside and going for beautiful hikes. On a rainy day you can find him playing a range of video games or board games.

Patricia Fillmore

Patricia has both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in French Literature from McGill University. A bit of her journey also includes professional dancing while she was at Dalhousie University, completing her first Bachelor's degree, this one in Chemistry. Although she dedicated many hours to dancing, she ultimately adores language learning so much that she decided to pursue teaching it-Patricia worked at Villa Maria High School in Montreal, Quebec for 20 years teaching French as a second language. Writing is central to her love of the French language. Having written a collection of short stories on mother-daughter relationships during her Master's degree, she skillfully crafts every line to make any story shine. Also a big thinker, Patricia loves to work with clients in innovative areas of social impact; she is constantly seeking out new opportunities like these to expand and apply her knowledge. Exploring her many interests fills up her spare time. Out of all her hobbies, she has pursued pottery-making for the longest, and her apartment is adorned with beautifully-crafted mugs. Patricia also belongs to an eclectic assortment of clubs: folk dance club, choir club, hiking club, and craft exchange club to name a few.

Rachel Renaud

Job Titles:
  • Governance & Strategy
  • Strategy & Governance, She / Her
Rachel is a powerhouse in business and social justice realms. Collaboration and leading by example make the foundation of her ceaseless mission to empower individuals, businesses, and government agencies to internalise the importance of charitable giving. She is Phil's strategy and governance expert and the motivating force to help clients shift from a fear mindset to inspired confidence. Rachel transforms people's approach to be more creative and inclusive. Her motto, "uniting people to share, exchange, and grow," speaks volumes about her role as a mentor and coach for pioneers in the social sector. After making her mark in the finance world, she led the Roasters Foundation, a national public non-profit taking an entrepreneurial approach to philanthropy. This personal experience, coupled with her appointments to significant boards and committees centred on education, health and social services, is why she is a coveted coach and consultant. Rachel believes that by empowering others with a growth mindset anything is possible. Rachel loves spending time with family and friends as well as venturing out to swim, walk, and ski. Nature and meditation help ground her along with her daily self-care rituals.

Rola Helou

Job Titles:
  • Executive Director of the First Nations Adult Education School Council
  • Governance & Strategy
Through a collaborative, strategic approach, Rola helps organizations find solutions to pressing governance, management and capacity development issues. Rola has over two decades of experience working with Indigenous communities throughout Québec. Her kind heart, sharp mind and generous spirit are only a few of the qualities that make her an ideal Phil collaborator.

Sophie Martin

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
  • Account Manager, She / Her
Sophie is a patient thinker who enjoys soaking up details, allowing her to adeptly realize effective strategies for communication. A firm believer in the power of listening, she dedicates enormous energy to understanding clients' specific needs. Having holistic insight into the careful steps that each project requires, she is able to think critically, valuing quality over quantity. Sophie received her graduate diploma in Communications and Public Relations Management from McGill University: while studying, she worked full-time at a communications agency, experiencing firsthand the academic theories and concepts that were being discussed with peers in the classroom. She has gathered over 15 years of experience in the nonprofit, government, and business sectors, both in internal and corporate communications roles. During her time working in the geothermal energy industry, Sophie developed the Canadian industry's roadmap, establishing the framework for its 10-year strategy and proving her flair for planning and preparing robust strategies. As a highly-organized and versatile communications professional, she is constantly following her limitless curiosity. In 2021, Sophie completed University of Alberta's online Native Studies course; she finds that learning about a multitude of lived experiences is essential to fostering supportive, diverse communities. Sophie thrives on the thought that every action she takes has the capacity to make a difference. She currently volunteers at her sons' elementary school, giving her time to the parent association and the school library. When she has a moment to spare, Sophie loves to be with her kids, either gardening in the backyard or exploring the outdoors in and around Montréal.

Stephanie Tsirgiotis

Job Titles:
  • Marketing & Communications Director
  • Marketing & Communications Director, She / Her
  • Strategic Communications Specialist
Stephanie is a seasoned strategic communications specialist with a natural instinct for bringing out the soul of an organization through her human-centered storytelling. Whether running a public marketing campaign or writing internal communications, Stephanie persists in providing fresh, creative approaches. Stephanie started her career in radio as a content producer for Corus Entertainment, producing a nationally-syndicated current affairs show. She loved working in this high-paced, deadline-heavy environment, and made the most out of every opportunity including covering the 2008 presidential election from Washington, D.C. She later joined the Montreal Children's Hospital and led their communications team through major milestones like moving to the Glen site, the largest hospital move in North American history. She managed media relations and produced a monthly magazine featuring patient stories and hospital projects. Most recently Stephanie led the communications and marketing team at The Study, a private all-girls school in Montreal, before moving to Quebec's beautiful Eastern Townships with her family. When she isn't writing or pondering strategy with Phil, she loves to hike, bike, listen to records, explore new things and get really messy in the kitchen with her two sons.