POSITRAN - Key Persons

Dr Evie Rosset

Job Titles:
  • Teacher - Researcher in Positive Psychology
An experimental psychologist by training, Evie has spent most of her career with one foot in academia (in teaching and research) and the other one out (exploring real world applications). She is particularly interested in social well-being and pro-social behavior - our desire to help others, create connection, and contribute to the greater good. Her main expertise lies in the fields of positive psychology and nudging, with research interests around collective well-being, altruism, social change, and engagement. In order for society to take full advantage of human beings' altruistic potential, Evie has developed a MAAC method that is based on the latest research in the psychology of motivation and engagement. Originally from Boston, she now lives in Lyon.

Dr. Evgeny Osin

Job Titles:
  • Teacher - Researcher in Positive Psychology
Dr. Evgeny Osin graduated from Moscow State University in 2004 and obtained his doctorate in Psychology in 2007. After spending a year as a visiting scholar at the University of East London, he worked at the Higher School of Economics as an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and as a senior researcher at the International Laboratory for Positive Personality and Motivation Psychology. Research psychologist and psychology teacher with emphasis on quantitative research methods, psychometrics, and personality differences

Emmanuelle Ducassé

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Evelyne Stumpf

Job Titles:
  • Social and Occupational Psychologist, Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher
Evelyne Stumpf is active in the field of health promotion and improvement of quality of life. After obtaining an Masters in Occupational Psychology, she started her career in the pharmaceutical industry as a project manager for a management competence centre. She then specialised in the field of health promotion, and in particular in the prevention and regulation of psychosocial risks. Social and occupational psychologist, teacher of yoga for children, Positran-certified trainer in positive education and positive work, she is keen to disseminate and share these practices with education and workplace professionals. Trained in Professional Co-Development.

Françoise Marneffe

Job Titles:
  • Trainer
  • Trainer in Relational and Managerial Skills
In 2002, Françoise became a trainer, in the fields of relational and managerial skills, within the Training Centre (Belgian Defence; military for 20 years, civilian - pedagogue - for 6 years. She created her own structure in 2013). She supports teams and individuals in their reflections for improvement and leads training courses in the fields of efficiency and well-being.

Frederika Roberts

Job Titles:
  • Trainer, Speaker and Author in Positive Education
Frederika holds an International MSc in Applied Positive Psychology from Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge) and is currently working towards an EdD (Professional Doctorate in Education) at the University of Derby. In her Masters' dissertation, supervised by Prof. Ilona Boniwell, she developed a new model (LeAF - Learn and Flourish) for whole school Positive Education, an area she has a particular academic and professional interest in. Frederika is also a former teacher (PGCE, University of Huddersfield). She is a published author in Positive and Character Education (Character Toolkit for Teachers, with Elizabeth Wright, 2018; For Flourishing's Sake, 2020) and has been working as a trainer/lecturer, speaker and consultant in Positive Education since 2013. In addition to this work, Frederika is European Representative for IPPAed, the International Positive Psychology Association's Positive Education division. She has presented at Positive Education and Positive Psychology conferences worldwide (IPPA World Congress Montréal & Melbourne, IPEN Dallas, Fort Worth & London). As an Italian, German and British citizen who grew up in an international environment in Luxembourg prior to moving to the UK, where she now lives, Frederika is fluent in English, Italian, French and German and can present and train/teach in these languages. She also speaks a little bit of (now very rusty!) Spanish and Luxembourgish.

Gaëlle Rohou

Job Titles:
  • Expert Practitioner in Positive Psychology
Gaëlle Rohou specialises in motivation, empowerment and managerial performance, particularly during periods of transformation and change. She has recognised expertise in HR development, change management and positive psychology. In coaching, she specialises in leadership development, the mobilisation of collective intelligence and the dynamics of individual and collective engagement.

Ilona Boniwell

Job Titles:
  • Member of the POSITRAN TEAM

Isabelle Bricault

Job Titles:
  • Administration and Finance Manager
Isabelle worked as an Accountant for 2 years in an accounting firm and then for 12 years in a company, subsidiary of an international group, manufacturer of industrial air conditioning. With a great adaptability and a strong sense of work ethics, she is able to manage several projects at the same time and to wear several hats. In close and permanent collaboration with Ilona, she ensures the good administrative, financial and general management of the company.

Justine Chabanne

Job Titles:
  • Organisational Psychologist
Justine has been employed at Positran since 2017. Consultant and trainer in positive psychology at work, Justine works in close collaboration with Ilona and researchers in Positive Psychology, drawing on the latest available data in the science of well-being at work to inform the contents of Positran's solutions and training. Her experience working with directors, managers and employees makes her training programmes relevant and meaningful. She actively participates in the design of Positran's games and products in order to make theoretical concepts easily understandable and usable. As an organisational psychologist, she also knows how to apply all the concepts of Positive Psychology to individual coaching, outplacement and skills assessment. Based near Lyon, Justine is also in charge of the regional developments.

Larissa Kalisch

Job Titles:
  • Researcher in Positive Psychology
Having performed figure skating at a high level, Larissa Kalisch had been coaching and accompanying young people since she was 17 years old, which allowed her to gain experience in sports coaching and motivation. She graduated in Psychology in Fribourg (CH). In addition to her studies, she worked as a research assistant in the field of education with Emerita Prof. and Dir. M. STAMM, Bern. Upon arrival in Paris, Larissa completed a Master's degree in Health Psychology and integrated a research internship at the Marie Curie Institute in Psycho-oncology. Contrary to her expectations, studies in Health Psychology were not sufficiently focused on the well-being and development of patients. As a result, she decided to pursue an international MSc in Positive Psychology where she found her happiness.

Laura Martin

Job Titles:
  • Head of Positive Education
Laura is our Head of Positive Education, with an International MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge) and PGCE (Warwick University). Her final MSc project focused on the development of a series of positive psychology interventions to enhance the well-being of teaching staff and school leadership. With over a decade's experience in education in the UK and the Middle East, she has excelled in numerous roles - including lecturer, class teacher, mentor to IPGCE & B.Ed. students, curriculum leadership and staff training. She has long been an advocate of the need for blending high level academic and pastoral support to increase student engagement, achievement and well-being. Laura is an excellent communicator and develops strong positive relations with others, encouraging collaborative working practices to achieve best results. Having lived in numerous countries (7 so far!) and worked in high profile international schools, she thrives in multicultural environments and has vast experience of adapting content and working practices to meet the needs of local and regional values.

Lucy Airs

Job Titles:
  • Certified Trainer and Coach in Positive Psychology
  • Certified Trainer and Coach in Positive Psychology and Positive Education
Lucy is a certified trainer and coach in Positive Psychology and Positive Education, holds a Master's degree in Applied Positive Psychology (Anglia Ruskin University - Cambridge - UK) and is a Lego® Serious Play® trainer in Positive Psychology. Business coach and trainer for more than ten years, she has worked on positive communication, intercultural communication and non-verbal communication in the training and coaching of managers in Europe and around the world. With a diverse background, ranging from actress to teacher, and following studies in so-called "classical" psychology, Lucy has also enriched her practice around management and communication by training in ethology applied to leadership and management, NVC and Design Thinking. Today, Lucy is particularly passionate about the positive development and well-being of professionals and companies, resilience, creative potential, strengths, change management, and the design and adaptation of customized training, interventions and positive tools. Furthermore, Lucy is perfectly bilingual in English and French.

Marianne Didier

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Originally a travel consultant, she has taken her clients all over the world for over 12 years. Travelling the world and travelling inside oneself are close cousins. Both are formative and bring well-being and open-mindedness.


Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Self-taught and curious by nature, Nadège leaves nothing to chance. Her attention to detail is an invaluable asset for the organization of our office. With a technical background, she worked for many years as a sales assistant in the air-conditioning sector, then life's ups and downs brought her to the gentle shores of a tea house, before finally joining the field of positive psychology in 2019! Her ease of adaptation and her ability to have a global vision of things allow her to be on all fronts and to meet everyone's expectations.