Colin McConnell

Colin is a fourth generation Kenyan/Brit. His great grandfather, was a pioneer farmer in Kenya in the early 1900's. Apart from a six year spell living in the UK and working as a reinsurance broker in Lloyds of London, he has always lived in Africa and considers himself an African. Being in the tourism industry in East Africa for over 25 years he has managed well known lodges and camps such as, Gibbs Farm, Sanctuary Kusini Camp for Abercrombie & Kent, and Ndutu Safari Lodge. Prior to setting up Intent on Safari, he ran his own safari company, Amazing Tanzania Ltd. He has hosted and guided many visitors, including well known personalities! A highlight was being invited by CNN to guide Anthony Bourdain on his Parts Unknown series in Tanzania. Colin has traveled extensively throughout East Africa. He has an undying love for the exceptional landscapes, flora and fauna that East Africa has to offer. An old hand with many contacts and connections to point you in the right direction for your ultimate safari experience. Colin still leads and guides safaris, primarily for private groups. If you are thinking of coming as a group then Colin & Laura would be more than happy to accompany you to make sure things go smoothly, share their passion of the wilderness, and share a story or two.

Laura Simpson

Laura grew up a bit of a global nomad. Having moved around as a kid, she went to school in Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Oman, Thailand, Vietnam and eventually Holland where she finished high school and went on to get a Masters Degree in Biology at the University of Wageningen. Her love for wildlife and travelling came together when she became Project Manager for the Serengeti Cheetah project. Having the Serengeti as an ‘office' was an absolute privilege! Being based in Tanzania allowed her to explore the rest of what east Africa had to offer from Gorilla trekking in Rwanda to rafting the Nile in Uganda! In 2010 she joined Colin in setting up the Amazing Tanzania safari company & mobile camp. They ran the company for ten years before moving to Scotland to set up Intent on Safari. She now looks forward to working with you to put together your safari of a lifetime.