Dr Rowan Hillson

Job Titles:
  • Elected Member
Rowan was National Clinical Director for Diabetes, Department of Health between 2008 and 2013. She worked as a consultant diabetologist and on-take physician at The Hillingdon Hospital, Uxbridge between 1989 and 2012. She has written several books on diabetes.

Dr. Dinesh K Nagi

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
  • Physician
  • Vice Chair
Dinesh Nagi is a Consultant Physician with interests in diabetes & endocrinology at the Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust, based at Edna Coates Diabetes and Endocrine Unit Pinderfields Hospital. He was clinical lead in Diabetes & Endocrinology at the MYT between 2002 and 2011. He served as a member of The RCP Council representing Diabetes UK, Association of British Clinical Diabetologist (ABDC) and Society of Endocrinology. His other major interests are around service developments in Diabetes having lead the development and implementation of the Innovative Redesign of Diabetes service supporting primary Care. He is outgoing clinical Lead and Director of Wakefield and North Kirklees Eye screening programme for last 10 years. He has long term interest in application of exercise and sports in Type1 and Type 2 Diabetes. He was appointed to the Chair of Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) in May 2017.

Dr. Peter Winocour

Job Titles:
  • Consultant
Dr. Winocour is a consultant physician to the East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, appointed in 1993, and was Clinical Director for Diabetes and Endocrine services from 2008-2021. He qualified in 1979 and received his M.D. degree from the University of Glasgow, and undertook further training in Manchester and Newcastle. He is a past Chairman of the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists. Dr Winocour previously co-ordinated national surveys of specialist diabetes services , was the Diabetes lead in the 2014 JBS3 guidelines on CVD prevention, and has led production of joint ABCD-Renal Association (RA) guidelines on diabetic nephropathy and organised successful joint ABCD-RA clinical meetings since 2013. Dr. Winocour's research interest in diabetes and endocrinology has resulted in publication of over 100 original articles .

Ketan Dhatariya

Job Titles:
  • Professor
Professor Ketan Dhatariya qualified from the University of London in 1991 and did his diabetes and endocrinology training in and around London. For 2 years during his training he was also a part time General Practitioner in the evenings. He took some time out of his training to spend a year doing intensive care medicine and anaesthetics. After he finished his diabetes training in 2001 he went to do research in endocrinology at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA. He was appointed as a consultant in diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital in 2004, and Honorary Professor of Medicine at the University of East Anglia in 2019. He is a full time clinician and his predominant areas of interest are inpatient diabetes - in particular peri-operative diabetes care, the management of diabetes related emergencies, and the ‘diabetic foot'. He leads one of the largest foot clinics in the East of England. He has several national roles in the UK. He is currently the Chair of the Joint British Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group where he has led or co-authored several national guidelines on the management of various aspects of inpatient diabetes care including the guideline on peri-operative diabetes care. He is the Chair of the Examining Board for the UK Specialist Clinical Exam in Diabetes and Endocrinology, as well as Chair of the newly developed European Board Examination in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. He is the President of the Diabetes and Endocrine section of the Royal Society of Medicine. He is an Associate Editor of Diabetic Medicine and BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. Dr Dhatariya has over 120 peer reviewed publications, over 100 abstracts, and has published several book chapters on inpatient diabetes, peri-operative diabetes care or on the diabetic foot. He was awarded a PhD on inpatient diabetes in 2017 by the University of East Anglia.

Mr. Adrian Sanders

Adrian Sanders was born in Paignton, Devon and attended Torquay Boys' Grammar School which he left after A-Levels. He spent seven years in the insurance industry, seven years working in political research, and seven years in the voluntary sector as a lobbyist for EU funding and CEO of a not for profit that helped organisations access EU funding. He entered Parliament in 1997 representing his home town seat and held it for 18 years until May 2015. In Parliament, he served as a spokesperson on a number of different subjects, was a member of several select committees and became a member of the Speaker's Panel, chairing debates and bills in committee and Westminster Hall. For 17 years he chaired the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes and helped set up the international Parliamentary Diabetes Global Network that he administers today. He recently chaired STAR (Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers), the self-regulatory body of the UK's £2 Billion ticketing industry, and will retire as an elected Councillor on Torbay Unitary Authority in May 2019. He continues as an elected Executive Committee member of the Former MPs Association and is Vice-President of JDRFUK, and the League Against Cruel Sports.

Mr. Philip Norton

Job Titles:
  • Trust Legal Advisor
Philip is a Consultant Solicitor with Hansells in Norwich where he specialises in Charity Law. He is a trustee of a number of charities, large and small, grant making and specific purposes. His work is mainly in the area of trustee governance and risk management.